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The next day
I found myself being drawn back into the forest, it was like a feeling or something. But anyways, I trudged through the bushes and the tiny puddles that were sprinkled around the forest. My mind was practically submerged in my thoughts before I saw something that looked like a huge dollhouse in the distance, it looked as tall as me but it was very big and made of stone with a huge wall made up of the strongest stone and a various assortment of windows of all colours. I soon realised as I got closer it was a castle like mine but much, much smaller. I wonder If she's in there...

I walked up to the minuscule structure and heard many screams erupt from below, probably other humans. I reached my hand into a window and felt tiny furniture brush against my hand. God this place is so small. Just then, I felt something warm against brush against my hand and it let out a small squeak so I knew it wasn't furniture so I carefully wrapped my fingers around the being and lifted them out the window, exposing a small, and very frightened girl of which I recognised from yesterday.

Before I even had time to break a smile, I heard many yells and felt toothpicks being flung at me, that wasn't very welcoming, so simply I took her into the forest with me in a steady sprint. She looked tired but that's probably from me accidentally prodding her awake. It didn't matter now it only mattered if we got away. So as quick as I could with very stubby legs I made it half way across the forest while accidentally jostling the girl. Speaking of which I need her name.

Dreaming. Such a lovely experience, the thought that everything is ok and you are not being picked up against your will and hurled at inhuman speed to god knows where In the hands of some boy you were cowering from yesterday. Did I mention that's my situation?

I could feel his hands give off a comfortable warmth, it was weird but felt good anyways. Despite me practically shaking like a leaf in the grasp of this boys hands it was a rather nice feeling. I felt my consciousness slip away as I was lulled asleep by the slow footsteps emerging from below.

I got rudely ripped from my sleep when I felt something prodding at my side, before i even had time to remember my situation I saw two huge eyes scrutinising at me, almost studying me. At this point I couldnt even wake up without being attacked by some lunatic brother or now a new problem a giant boy who- wait what's his name?

I was making my way at a steady pace when I looked down and saw the girl I took sleeping in my hand, damn babies are weird. I brought her minuscule form up to my eyes so I could clearly see what she looks like. However the swiftness and suddenness of my action caused her to jolt awake leading to yet another screaming fit. Again? So Instead of smothering her again I set her on the ground in case she was scared of heights. Then out of nowhere, she began to break into a sprint. Before I could process what just happened she was gone yet again.

I didn't care far I had to get. I had to get away from this giant, as soon as he set me on the ground I broke out into a sprint and ran as fast as I could to anywhere I could reach. The rumbles of his footsteps followed swiftly behind he, shaking my whole body and he gradually got closer. Just when I thought I was getting away I felt my whole body descend at rapid speeds and land with a thump.

Before I could figure out where I was, I heard a sound that was definitely what I was running from originally. Slowly, I turnt my head to see an absolutely huge rat. I felt my heart skip a beat as I realised it was making a beeline towards me and was coming fast. I screamed so loud it would threaten to break glass. I was so scared. But before the rat could decide my fate 5 fingers wrapped around my body in a tight, but gentle, grip and made me leave the nest. I couldn't help myself. I broke out into tears, I was so afraid down there i couldnt believe i made it out.

I didn't have to think twice about reaching down into the hole and pulling her out, I knew it was a rats nest from the looks of things but tried to warn her but she ran away. Anyways, she was shaking so much in my hands and she was crying so much so I decided to put her on the floor again in case I was scaring her. As i slid her off my hands, I realised that my hands were cold without her sitting on them, weird. She left my hand, gracefully landing on the floor, but before I had time to retract my hand, she clung onto my hand to where she was covering it. I couldn't move it now she would fall. Wait isn't she afraid? To get to the bottom of this I used my other hand to scoop her up and look her in the eyes. For once, she didn't look afraid. Does that mean... I MADE MY FIRST FRIEND?

To break the silence, I introduce myself as

"Elias Asgard the next in line to the asgardian throne" he announced himself as. So he's also in line to royalty. I introduced myself as

'Princess Iris wisteria also second in line to the throne of the human realm' she introduced herself as. So that means I'm not the only royal in this friendship then so that's great. I raised my other hand and extended my pinky to her, for her to shake of course. And asked one question



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