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That was the second time I had to escape from some giant today. I was terrified of both, I'm terrified of giants in general, so i hatched an escape plan, while he was grabbing something from the wooden structure, I used the bed sheets that were already on the floor and slowly descended them using my arms. By the time that idiot got back to my space I would've already been gone. I could hear him rummaging above me. I took this as a chance to escape by slipping under the space between the door and the ground by getting on my stomach and sliding under. I decided I would waste no time and run away from the room, I had no reason to stay, I didn't know the guy or anything about him, it's a stranger. I felt my bare feet run across the large hallway of this huge building, now for someone my size everything looks huge, but this was a different type of huge. I saw dust mites the same size as me and those were considered big for giants.

I was about to make my way towards what I think was the steps, when I heard a door fly open and foot steps which were approaching fast. I had no time to react and tried jumping down the first step to the next, my left leg burnt in pain on the impacted spot and I couldn't stand. I just laid there, no one cares. This giant guy will finish me off anyways. The footsteps eventually got louder and the rumbles became stronger and stronger, this was my death bed, I just sat down and waited.

"what's this"

That's not a guy voice. That's a girls voice. Maybe it's a voice crack or something? I felt my body get picked up and stared at by a kid who looked about 5. She stared at me for a moment. Then she broke out into a sprint and took me around multiple hallways and corridors that  I couldn't even think about remembering. We were outside a room with a massive door, she slowly pushed it open with her free hand, and revealed a room full of child toys. The room had everything a young child could dream of doll sets ( Victorian dolls not barbies etc), tea party tables, food, princess bed, a huge amount of teddies where someone the size of my would Never be able to escape and more. I was shocked that someone so young could own so much.

"You're alive right miss?"

She looked at me while she asked such a simple question. Considering I didn't want to pretend to be made of a hunk of plastic I slowly nodded while looking at the girl dead in the eye, she was so young, she looked just like the other guy just way smaller and much more feminine. I didn't feel as scared around her as I did with the stranger giant. She just smiled at me after I confirmed her suspicions. She placed me on her tiny shoulder, which didn't fit me at all so I had to stand. She began to point at stuff around her room and introduce me to it. I was rather intrigued, considering I spent the last half a decade in the dark, literally, I was interested to see what she had as a child in this time. It was basically the same as what I had.

We did spend the last few hours talking about a mix of gossip from around this place and she dressed us both up in princess dresses, because I could only fit in doll sizes I found one that didn't make me look like a toy and one that felt the best for my maximum comfort. I chose a long dress with blue satin leaking from around it and a toy tiara we found lying around we then began talk about everything, while having a 'tea party' while occasionally sipping on the imaginary tea. From her family drama to the maids and other servants drama, for a five year old she knew quite a lot. I asked her how does she know so much If she is also a maid? She looked at me with genuine confusion and began to giggle, a small but noticeable one. She soon explained to me her role. Apparently she was the youngest of three children of the throne, she still had both parents and shes a royal. I didn't think into it too much, that was until she mentioned royals. I asked her to elaborate.

" my name is Selene, my older sister is Alexis who is ten and my older brother is"

As soon as she said alexis I was sent I to a state of shock. HES IN THE CASTLE. I THOUGHT IT WAS THE OTHER KINGDOMS CASTLE. SINCE WHEN DIDHE HAVE A YOUNGER SISTER. But before she even had time to finish her sentence, her door flew open to reveal the random guy from earlier, isnt that a bit rude, considering you're in the presence of a royal, one would think to be more respectful. He seemed like he was looking for something, Selene also picked up that he was looking for something and scooped me and hid me behind her back. I could hear him rummaging until he began to go next to Selene and crouch down to her level so he could communicate with her better.

He carefully looked into the princess' eyes with a rather soft expression and said

"Hello Selene I think you have something that belongs to me which is very important, can I have her please?"

She seemed reluctant to the idea of giving me away, she shook her whole head fast. That's a whole lot of nerve demanding something from a princess. I saw two huge arms wrap around her torso and bring her into a huge hug. While I did nothing but gawk at the two huge hands from behind selenes back, and he spoke with a voice plagued with sadness.

"Please give it to big brother"

BIG BROTHER. NO. ITS HIM. His eyes lead down to me and he gave me some sort of soft smile, like he was assured and happy to see me again. Within that moment I took him in, he looked the same but bigger, while pulling away from the hug. My traitorous protector eventually gave in leading to her nodding and she began to move me from behind her back and present me to him. He did nothing but look down at me with a smile, a soul warming smile, I haven't seen this in a long time. We just stared at each other until he cupped his hands in some sort of bowl shape, and his sister slid me of her hand into his. I landed with a soft thump upon his hand, he kissed his sister on the head and walked away from her. He's probably fuming at this point.

I was panicking. I couldn't find her anywhere in my room, I searched pretty much everywhere, I cleared my bed, checked the floors, and  the drawers but still didn't find her. I decided to look around the castle, which did scare some maids considering I don't leave my room unless it's a dire situation. I looked on each stair and in each bathroom which did take forever but I could bare it. I soon realised that she must be in one of my siblings rooms, both were girls. One was my sister alexis, she was around 15 years old and is second in line. She does nothing but sit in her private garden fantasising about guys she's seen. My youngest sister Selene is 5 and she is the 3rd in line, she always is found running around the castle or in her room having a tea party. Going in alexis' room would prove pointless considering she's asleep already so it's pitch black. I stormed my way towards Selene's room in hopes I would find her fast, once again I got more frightened looks from the servants,  I couldn't care less i had to find her.

I finally got to her room, I stood outside and listened in, I heard her voice in there talking to something, I hoped it would be Iris and not one of her dolls. When I entered, I soon realised her room was a mess there was toys everywhere. I would never be able to find her in this mess, I began to rummage before I saw her move something to behind her back. I could hear them whispering. I simply asked her for her back, when she refused i hugged her to be able to look over her shoulder down at my princess who was wearing one of her doll's dresses which complemented her figure beautifully. I pulled away from the hug and she eventually gave in and slid her down into my hands after I cupped them. I simply took her away from my sister after planting a kiss on selenes head and walking away with my princess in my hand.

[G/T] His loveUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum