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Marie wakes up looking around like she forgot where she was, she relaxed as she saw nikis gaming computer to the side of her rolling over checking the time. She didn't care how late it was all she could think about was happening early in the morning. She dragged herself out of bed hearing talking downstairs. She didn't even bother going to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth trying to look somewhat presentable. Instead of going down stairs she went back to her room laying down in her bed scrolling on her phone not really in the mood to socialize.

Mina pov
i was woken up at 8 in the morning because Niki had a emergency announcement to tell us that I guess Marie already knew about. I sigh as my brother keep rushing me out of my room and since I guess I was to slow for him he wrapped me in my blanket throwing me over his shoulder. I yelled kicking my feet since my arms were stuck inside the blanket with the rest of my body. I was thrown on the couch my arms finally able to wipe the hair out of my face as I stare at him punching him in the shoulder with all my strength. It was satisfying to see him groan in pain. I stop as I see Niki sit down and face all of us who look busted which was pretty funny to me. " so. I sent the body guards off to get more food for the house just so I can tell you guys what Marie found out yesterday. June our body guard works for the jangs and told Marie's mom that she was in our gang. But ace told Marie that June and the jangs know Marie's family and that the guys were going to try to shoot Marie which was why the school shooting happened. But wonyoung told them she wouldn't tell where she was but they took it into there own hands." Niki explained as we all had a shocked look on our faces.

But as stubborn and slow as jay is we of course had to say something. " well did she already know this?" He asks as we all sigh in annoyance, " no you fucking idiot. Did not just hear him say June told the other body guards which resulted into ace knowing who told Marie?" Jungwon said as everyone laughed jay going quietly mumbling underneath his breath. I couldn't believe it to be honest. I have no clue what Niki is planning but all I could think about was Marie. After some more chit chatting I decided to finally speak amongst the stupid minions. " is she awake?" I ask as Niki shakes his head, " she fell asleep with me last night. I didn't want her take this to bed with her alone so she and I fell asleep together" he says as we all smirk at him. " you didn't really tell us much about y'all dating" jake says as everyone ooos like little fourth graders. " well yes we are dating and to be honest I love her to death knowing that love is a strong word" he says as we all feel so squishy in the inside.

We finally all take out selfs back to sleep. But I didn't I decided to just scroll and see what my friends had posted and along with how to cheer Marie up.  I finally came across a party smirking to myself, I got up throwing the most randomness outfit I could find running to the store to see if I could find us hot outfits to wear. She couldn't say no if I got her a cute dress right?  I picked out shoes and makeup and how I was going to do her hair. But I ended up getting tired so I took a quick Power Nap.

Marie pov
I jump a bit as I see my door sing open with a Mina who had a playful look on her face, I look back at my phone not really in the mood for whatever she had planned. " EXUSE me?!" She says grabbing my phone putting it far away from my bed making me sigh in annoyance. " mina common im not in the mood right now" I tell her about to stand up to get my phone her stopping me as I look back at her with a blank look. " just hear me out.. please?" She asks me as I stay still sitting waiting for her to speak. " so I thought me and you could use a girls night.. I dunno just like get away from all of this and just have a fun party night to ourselves." Mina says as I sit in silence. A party sound so good but also so draining right now, and I was always told that eating or drinking my thoughts away weren't the best idea. But I live once so who cares. "Fine" I tell her as I watch her squeal and run then a couple of minutes come back with a black tight dress and beige heels with a bunch of jewelry. " get dress and meet me in my room once your done" she tells me leaving shutting my door. I felt like I should tell niki but he has meetings all day and I'm sure someone will tell him.

I get dressed tying my hair up into a slick ponytail with my gold jewelry and shoes. I grab my purse making sure to have everything I need including my pepper spray, I mean who knows it might be useful. I check the time seeing that it was almost 7 so I make my way to Mina's room who is sitting on her bed Turing to me with a smile.

No one's pov
The girls left without word to the boys getting into the car driving to the party which was only a couple of minutes away. Once they got there you could hear the overwhelming booming music with laughter and yelling the sound of shoes hitting the floor left and right crowds in every spot your eyes look to. as they finally got around making there way to the drinks wonyoung taps Marie on her shoulder. " what do you want sick bitch?" She says as she pours herself a drink, " please come up stairs. We need to speak" she tells Marie cause Marie to turn and look at her noticing the worried look on her face. " Mina I have to go to the bathroom I will be right back" she says as Mina grabs her self another trying yelling as she sees some old time friends.

As Marie follows wonyoung up the stairs she notices a long hallways and two doors opening up to a all pink room. She looked like she was living a Barbie dream.

Wonyoung pov
I watch as she looks around my room but I couldn't help but remember I only have little time. I grab her arm sitting her on my bed looking at her wondering if I should tell her or wait. But something in my gut told me to tell her because she has the right to know. " on of my guards is working with your group but as undercover for me so my families company knows all your plans. I assume you figured it out. But the thing is. The only reason why your mom knows is because our moms are sisters." I tell her watching her face go pale. I didn't know if I should explain further. " your fucking messing with me. This is a trap i knew I shouldn't come up here" she yells causing me to quickly block her away from my door. " let me finish. your mom never told you because she was worried you would tell the secrets and my mom was mad that she was pregnant with you instead of a boy because if you were a boy me and your boy self would of took over the company together. So I was really happy when I found out you were a girl through my fathers emails. Your mom is disowning you because she thinks your with us when your not. You have to listen to me. Here's my number but you and Mina need to leave. There coming to shoot this place up." I say as she sits in shock.

I watch as she runs out. I shut my door going to my bed sitting with the anxiety if she's going to make it out or not. I don't even think she took all the information in. I'm so angry that my mom kept her sways from Me. I just found out a couple of days ago she was my first cousin. You know how many things we missed out with each other!! I feel tears slip but I wipe them as I see Marie and Mina walk through the door locking it behind them. " listen. You can explain to the others whatever you need to say but I'm not leaving you if your the only real family I have. And so help me if I find out ur trapping me I will kill you in your sleep" she says causing me to nod my head quickly. I show them the secret way to the car park through my closet so that once the men are in here trying to look for them we can escape and go back to a safe house only where I know.

Marie pov
I couldn't believe what I heard i definitely need to hear it again but if she's really my only family I have I need her to be alive. We all sit by the closet the anxiety of waiting for the horrific gun shots fill the house. Like clock work. "BOOOM" I whined at the high pitched boom coming from the first floor. I made sure to grab my purse and we all ran locking her closet door before taking a crawling tunnel. We crawled on our hands and knees. I had so many thoughts about everything. The anxiety of being caught really made me feel like o had to throw up. We made it to her car. I got into the driver seats wony next to me and Mina behind me. I slowly pulled out checking to see if anyone was there speeding away making sure we were caught. I couldn't help but ball my eyes house as I listen to the instructions from wonyoung telling me where to go. She told me i couldn't go back home and that all of us would have to stay in the secret location just so she knows we aren't getting tracked.

HIM   // NIKI ENHYPENTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang