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4:30pm Korea time

After 18 hours of flying Marie finally landed getting off the plane in a hurry not wanting to be stuck behind people and or traffic. The school had a bus for all of the students so Marie was just looking for that which took a bit since there wasn't really a sign. " Marie it's over here!" Mina said making her turn her head quickly walking over to where Mina was waving her down. " thanks so much I would of missed it" she told her as she gave the driver her suit case getting on the bus seeing a bunch of kids already. " I'm glad you didn't! I saved us a seat" she replied sitting in the inside, the two girls talked the whole way till there got to the school which was going to be a minute.

"So what's your room number?" Marie asked since hers was kinda far, " im 4477. You?" She said Marie's eyes lit up as she clapped her hands excitedly, " me too!". The two clapped and laughed as they were both excited to have the same room together. " since I'm from Korea once we un pack and go to orientation we can go shopping for bedding and some simple wall decorations" Mina suggested. Marie was totally in looking forward to the plans in the future. They finally made it to the school everyone rushing to get off the bus.

•••Marie pov••
Me and Mina finally made it off the bus. It took forever since the stupid guys wouldn't hurry up and stop messing around. But boys will be boys which has to be the most stupidest thing. We rolled our suitcases all the way to the elevator in amazement by the school, it was so modern and big. Everything was either white or grey or black making it look very neat which I didn't mind since I love modern and neat, we didn't even have lockers just a bunch of windows which made the hallways bigger. The school was very lively as we walked around finding the elevators everyone was talking or laughing or going somewhere. Once we made it to the elevator and to our hallway we just couldn't wait to see our room.

As I walked through the front door to my left was a cute kitchen with a bathroom off to the side, and to the right was a wall with two nice full size beds. One had a window next to the bed and behind it while the other only had one beautiful window behind it. Which showed the city since we were on a hill, Mina let me get the bed with two windows since she's used to the city view and wanted me to see it for the first time. Which I thank her for. We both sat on our beds out of breath which made me let out a laugh since I felt the same way. " was there any theme for the orientation?" I asked as I watch her sit up from her laying position, she grabs her phone soon my phone ringing as she sent me there insta page. " I don't know but that's there insta!" She told me, I guess she was tired since she didn't want to find out but I don't blame her.

" yup we have a theme." I said her breathing heavily in defeat, " what is it" she whined me giggling as I looked to read. " white or black" I say shutting my phone off also laying down as she did. We both groan as we were tired from our flight and now having to walk all the way to the meeting and get a lecture for a hour. " hey at least afterwards we get to go shopping!!" I say her letting out a little laugh. " your right. We should start getting dressed since it's in about 50 minutes" Mina said. I nod as I zip open my suit case all of my clothes neatly folded, the only outfit I could really think of was my black sweatsuit that had a little heart on the hoodies corner. I take that out with my matching black socks making my way to the bathroom to change since Mina was going to change in the room. I took out my French braids my hair curlier than ever. I make my way back to grab my gel and brush and hair ties along with a white claw clip.

I slick my hair into a back ponytail bringing the pony tail up clipping it up. It's the only way that my hair stays. I touch up my makeup putting my black glasses on sitting on my bed waiting for Mina to be done while I put my air forces on. She also was wearing black but her hair was in a half up half down with a  cute black clip. She grabbed her phone and my arm pulling me off of the bed which took me by surprise as I realized we were running late.
We run down the hallways seeing a couple of people doing the same one of the teachers holding the door open for us. As we walk in I feel a pair of eyes staring at me, I look and see a guy with fluffy brown hair with blonde streaks through it. He had a pretty face but I looked away once Mina tapped me showing me our seats.

"Let's talk about curfew. The doors lock at midnight for the school but the dorms you will have your IDS to open the locked doors, you just can't stay out passed 1am. Classes start at 9am and end at 3:45 all extra activities are after school from 5-9pm. That even includes study hall, which is held in the library".

As I listen to this I feel my eyes shut. I heard all the info I needed but I'm so tired.
I felt a light tap on my shoulder opening my eyes seeing Mina's eyes meet mine with her small smile. " sorry I slept his voice was just to calming" I say as I stand up her following as we make our way out of the meeting hall. " don't worry I got all of the information. I will tell you on our way to the store. We get our ids now though so let's hurry so we aren't late" Mina says me and her speed walk only to end up behind seven other people. It was quicker than I thought so once we got ours we put it around our neck leaving the school.

It felt weird to walk on the streets of a different world of people. Mina told me how safe it was for kids like us or girls to walk to the streets without worry since the crime rate wasn't like America. It made me feel less worried, but it was most definitely weird. but it was so beautiful at the same time. As we made it to the store Mina was talking about I realized why she was so excited about it, it had all girly stuff that I love. I was definitely going to be spending in here.

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