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More than a couple of months passed everyone taking times to them selfs. There was finally no more killing and they could finally be at peace. It was late in the evening Marie being the last awake as she goes down to the kitchen seeing Niki and sunoo talking. " oh good morning Marie. Are you ready for school?" He ask as Marie shake her head clearly not ready for the topic. " well it's been months go get change we will be in the car waiting." Niki says giving her a kiss on the cheek before grabbing there bags and heading out of the door. She ate quickly before changing into her uniform. She slicked her hair back putting on her shoes and grabbing her bag she made sure to lock the door.

Getting in the car it was silent. No one was ready for what was about to happen once they walked through the doors. But they were ready to only have each other. And to Marie. She met her real family. People who were with her through her highs and her lows. Same with them. The realized all they need is each other. Since it's only been each other.  It finally came to an end and now they can live their lives as teenagers.  The memories are still there but they will be replaced with ones that make you smile and laugh. Not cry.  They gave each other all a look. Every thing they been through was for a reason. Things happen. Grow from it and move on from it.

( I'm so sorry this took so long to end. I was debating on deleting it since I was just writing it for fun but I'm working on another one that I'm giving my all into. I have been going through it. I'm 15 and my parents are constantly reminding me that soon I need a job and I will be driving. Basically I need to grow up and I'm terrified.  On top of that seasonal depression and school has not been it. I lost and gain and it's currently kicking my ass. I even have a detention feb 29 for having my phone resting on the desk. But it is what it is.  I'm sorry if this book wasn't up to ur standards. I hope all is well thanks for enjoying and sticking to the end if you did. If you did make it comment a pink emoji! Thanks again!)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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