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Marie pov
I didn't leave my room for a couple of hours. I wasn't even paying attention hearing the house go silent only sudden moment here and there. I stayed in my room scrolling on my phone till I got bored which was right now. We had tv in our rooms I just couldn't find the remote, I will ask Mina later anyways. I had my window open letting the air in a bit as I watched the sun go down. I wanted a snack so I stood up walking out down to the kitchen which I didn't see since I just went straight up to my room. I quietly walk in and what a surprise. Niki was here. The golden sunlight hit his highlights and the side of his face making him look more good looking than I thought. His shoulders were broad and his tall slim body was just beautiful. I caught my self starring behind the wall like a creep so I walk in going straight to the fridge thinking he wouldn't notice because to be honest I thought I was quiet about it.

" what were you doing all this time?" He asks me as I look up at him grabbing the milk setting it on the counter. " I was just scrolling on my phone. My back started to hurt so I thought it was best for me just to lay down for a couple of hours" I tell him. Part of it was true but my back did hurt. He just nodded going back to whatever he was doing which he was typing something on his laptop while eating chips. " what were you doing all this time?" I ask as I poor cereal into the bowel as I start pouring the milk. " I'm doing missing assignments. Which reminds me you should do that too." He says resting his hand on my head as he leaves to the living room sitting down. I mean he wasn't wrong. I ate my cereal washing my bowel out wanting to ask him if I could work with him but he looked so focus that I didn't want to bother him.

I walk past feeling his strong hand grip my hoodie making my stop in my tracks. " wanna come work with me? It's better when someone else is here so you can ask questions" he tells me. I say yes as I go upstairs grabbing my folders and computer. I also run back up to grab one of my favorite blankets since for some reason I can't do anything without it. I hear him laughing as I look at him in confusion of what's funny.

Niki pov
I leave her in the kitchen as I go to the living room sitting down doing some of my work. But I couldn't focus because the way the sun hit her face and her eyes made her look so beautiful. Her eyes were hazel with brown. Without the sun they looked brown but they weren't. She even have a couple of moles. I hear her quick foot steps coming my way. I reach my hand out grabbing a hold of her hoodie smirking as I feel the sudden jump come from her. " wanna come work with me? It's better when someone else it here so you can ask questions" I tell her. I hear a yes come from her letting her go so she can go grab whatever she needs to grab. I watch as she comes back with her folders and computer. I sit up getting ready to work but she leaves again. I laugh as she comes down with a huge fluffy blanket sitting down throwing it over herself. " what's funny?" She asks me the light of the computer flashing in her face. " nothing is there anything you need help with?" I ask, she shows me her math problems so I take the time to explain them.

She jumps out of excitement. I laugh at her cuteness of her getting the problem correct  understanding how to solve it. " okay I'm gonna give you a random one. Show me it once you solve it" I tell her. I finish my science work peeking over at her seeing her pencil writing away. She soon comes up to me showing me her notebook, I scan everything through giving her a nod us both smiling. " thank you so much it really means a l" and boom she fell. But she felt on top of me. I catch her my hands on her waist. Hers on my shoulder. I can smell her sent, her lips not far from mine our eyes locked. I couldn't help but feel butterflies not knowing what to do.

Marie pov.

I'm on top of Niki. His lips inches from mine, his sent that always gives me butterflies. I couldn't help but look at his lips then his eyes. I didn't know what to do but part of me wanting to kiss them but I knew if I did things wouldn't be the same. I hop off standing covering my face him still in shock of what happened. "Sorry I didn't mean for it to happen like that" I say quickly sitting down looking over at him with slight worry and embarrassment. " it's okay really. You smell good" he tells me with a soft smile, for a guy who almost got kissed he seems pretty calm.  We go back to doing our work like nothing happened cracking jokes here and there which was kinda odd to me.

Time passes and I end up going to my room to take a shower. I lotion my body up putting on shorts and nikis hoodie, since it was big I couldn't help but want to sleep in it.  I throw my blanket over me finally finding my remote. I turn the tv on slowly falling  asleep. 

No one pov.
As marie slept Niki sat in his room trying to process what happened, he felt the need to be with her to finally make her his but he thought it was too early and that she wouldn't feel the same. He sat fiddling with his fingers not being able to sleep, it's like her small figure on his helped him sleep better. Not wanting to be a creep he grabbed his hoodie for the morning making his way to Marie's room knocking softly before going in. " marie are you sleeping?" He whispers a wave of relief washing over him as she picks her head up. " I was close to. What's wrong are you okay?" She asks. " this might sound weird since we aren't dating. But can I sleep with you?" He asks. A soft gentle laugh comes from her lips as she opens her covers to the giant baby. He gets under the covers this time snuggling into her. Marie smiles as she rubs her hands through his hair the two falling asleep with each others warmth.

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