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Mina pov:
I slam my dorm door. I slam my hands on the walls. I know I might be dramatic but I can't see Marie getting hurt because of a no life. I would do anything to protect my friend and to me that's my world, I never met someone like Marie who cared so much about other peoples feelings. Someone who was so forgiving and cute and kind! I know she isn't dying but the next time it could be worse which is why I'm so angry that I didn't see the signs. I sit on the floor crying my heart out into my knees who are soaked with my tears, I always act on impulse and never think before I do something. But I'm upset because I never thought I would do what I did today, wonyoung bled which was the point but I don't like hurting people like that. 

I stand up hearing a hard knock on my door. I open it seeing it's Jake. " what are you doing here" I say trying to hide my broken voice, he shuts the door causing me to back up.  " it's okay to cry in front of me Mina." He tells me wrapping his big arms around me, as I felt my head on his chest his sent, his breathing, his arms around me. I felt like I was floating in a cloud.  I weep loudly letting out a bunch of sobs, " I didn't mean to hurt her that bad!!" I Sob him rubbing my back telling me not to speak and just listen.  " listen. We know why you did what you did. We all love Marie and don't think she deserves it. And I completely understand why your mad. We would do the same to protect each other." He tells me. We stay like this for a couple of minutes soon sitting on my bed.  I cuddle him as he rubs his fingers through my hair. No words were said but I'm grateful to have him here as the sun sets with no Marie to make me laugh.

Marie pov
I wake up my vision blurry, I try to sit up but feel a pair of hands push my back down speaking but it was all fuzzy. I could really remember what happened but as my vision cleared up I was able to see I was laying down wish a worried Niki hovering over me. " don't sit up to fast you still aren't cleared" he tells me now sitting down next to me as I lay looking at him, "I'm confused" I tell him. " wonyoung dropped you from a stunt that you were in. You landed funny hitting ur back causing you to black out. We don't know if you got a concussion from the impact or if you broke a bone or sprained your back." He told me making me suddenly remember. I felt a sudden rage come to me as I remembered her yelling at me to not make any mistakes. "Where is she" I ask looking around trying to see if I could escape Niki to go punch her in the face, " Mina already handled it. But I need you to listen to me." He tells me making me set my head up softly on the pillow looking him in the eyes.

I could tell that whatever he was going to say to me. He couldn't. He looked to anxious or worried to even speak. I just stare at him hoping he doesn't say what I think he's going to say. I close my eyes feeling like my heart is about to jump out of my chest, it feels heavy and very loud. " this is the start" I say him looking at me with worried eyes. " yes" he says back to me. I sigh loudly suddenly wanting to be alone. Even though they don't call it a mafia it most definitely is one, I don't think I will ever get used to it. The nurse comes in calling Niki out of the room leaving me alone, I see my phone on the table near me slowly reaching it. I unlock it seeing many missed messages from Mina quickly calling her not wanting her to worry anymore.

Me: hello
Mina: mar! You awake! Oh my god! How do you feel? Are you okay?
Me: honestly I don't know. But Niki told me what's happening now.
Mina: I know. But don't worry about that now.
Me: I know. It's just a lot to take in and that I'm now a sudden target.
Mina: we all are. But I understand. Can I come see you?
Me: I don't know. They pulled Niki out of the room to speak with him.
Mina: he stayed the whole time?!
Me: yeah, I woke up and he was hovering over me telling me to take it easy and not to sit up
Mina: you should definitely go to his dorm, jake is here, I will tell you everything Tomorrow hehe
Me: lord goodnight

All I know is that they better use protection. And not got anywhere near my bed.

No one's pov

Niki walks back into the room with a wheel chair. Marie's eyes go wide as she started to feel embarrassed. " it's best if I take you to my dorm. She suggested I take care of you for a couple of days." He tells her with a small smile, " what about your roommate?" She asks watching as he goes over to her taking one of her hands. " he's with sunghoon. Don't worry I will make sure no one sees you undressed or looking a mess" he said making her let out a small laugh. He gave her a blanket that jay had brought when she wasn't awake yet throwing it over her legs as he wheeled her to the elevators. It was silent the two not saying anything or not knowing what to say.

Once they made it to nikis dorm he helped her into his bed not minding sleeping in Sunoos or the floor. " I don't know if anyone is awake right now. But I can go grab you some clothes if you like?" He asked her sitting besides her. " it's fine. Jake is with Mina and I don't think it's best to walk in. God knows what they are doing in there" she says with a small smile as she looked around. Niki laughed softly at her little joke, he stood up heading to his closet finding pj pants and one of his hoodies. " you can wear this. If you need help I can help you. It's best not to move ur back to much or your head" he told her seeming worried. But he understood since she's a girl and doesn't want anyone to see her undressed or anything. " Niki. I'm comfortable with you helping me. Just please be gentle" she told him as she sat up slowly turning so that he could untie the gown, as he Untied hit he watch as it fell down to her waste. He put the hoodie over her head focused as he was quiet. He helped her out her arms through smiling as she turned to face him.

" do you think you can do your pants?" He asked her. " yeah, can you just turn and around? I need to use your back to help me be sturdy." She told him. He did as told licking his lips as he heard a bit or a noise come from her as she struggled a bit. She tapped him the too standing just staring at each other, butterfly's swarmed into her stomach as he gaze looked at her in the dark. "C-can you sleep with me?" She asked suddenly taking them both into shock, " sorry! If your not comfortable I completely understand it's just-" Niki took off his hoodie him just being in his sweatpants going under his covers leaving room for her. She smiled to her self as she slowly walked to him climbing into the bed, she laid facing the Male who's face was facing the ceiling the city lights showing only light on his face.

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