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Marie pov

I wake up around I believe two in the morning, I remember how angry I was taking it out on Niki. It wasn't even his fault. I know that they couldn't do anything on the moment. Especially if they didn't know. But it's just the picture of those kids getting shot in the head really made my stomach turn, I almost couldn't trust myself on being alone without a guard or someone to protect me. Or leaving without a weapon. I don't even know if school is closed, and if it wasn't I have the right on not going back till I'm ready.  But what hurts the most is my mom hasn't text or called me.. at all. I know she's up at this time because she does her stretches.

        Mommy 🤍🫶🏽

Me: hey mom! You haven't texted or called! Is everything okay! I miss you. Are you and dad alright?

                              Mommy🤍🫶🏽: why should I have to call you? Your in a gang are you not? I don't want to speak to my daughter who's doing bad things. I raised you better than that! I trusted you to fly all the way to the other side of the world and this is how you repay me? I don't think you deserve anything from me anymore. This is where I draw the line. I still love you as my daughter... but as a person. I don't know anymore. I don't think my mind will ever change about you. What happened to the sweet little girl who thought that stuff was bad? Call me a bad mother I don't care!! But I know deep down that the girl I raised was going to turn out better. Don't text or call unless it's a emergency!! And I mean if your dying.

Me: I'm sorry!! I'm not in a gang I promise! Please your my mom! I love you..

                            Mommy🤍🫶🏽: hm. Right back at you.

I felt like my heart just shattered into pieces. And I know damn well no one in this group knows my mom or anything about my background. I throw sweatpants on not caring that I was only in my black sports bra, I run down the stairs opening the front door seeing all the body guards standing by the gate. " I need to speak with you guys. Like now" I say as they all nod there heads. I take them one by one into the living room not caring how early in the damn morning it was. One of these guys ruined my life. " listen. If you tell me everything I will make sure that the company/group gives you a huge raise. " I say to the third body guard who's biting at his nails. The house stood still for a second before he looked at me and looked at the window. " okay. It was June. He was the one. He's working the the jangs. He used to be a body guard for your parents I believe which the jangs are friends with. He told her and the jangs which is why the whole school shooting happened. Wonyoung didn't want them to find you since she found out. So they were going to figure it out themselves since your working with the rival." He told me. I go blank as I wanted to storm out and cuss June out. But I knew I couldn't I will just wait till me and Niki are alone instead of being like a little kid waking the whole house up for a meeting. 

" thank you so much for telling me.. but what do I do now?" I ask as I watch the rest of the body guards go back to guarding the gates. " I say you do a small meeting with Niki now, you really think he asleep?" He tells me. I watch him wink and leave. I sigh Turing around making my way back up the stairs freezing as I see a dark tall figure leaning in the beginning of the hall way. " my room now" he says. My stomach drops as I realize it's Niki who I guess was listening in.  I know he's my boyfriend but I didn't know he was this protective and sneaky about figuring out everything.  I go into his room him shutting the door behind me as I sit on his bed looking everywhere but him. I watch as he sits in front of me with a still look to his face.  " so. Your parents are friends with the jangs" he starts off making my eyes go wide. " listen I didn't know this! I promise you! I was trying to figure something else out" I say with panic.  I watch as he clicks his teeth like he doesn't believe me which makes me want to break down as a little kid.

"But why did he know instead of you? Did your parents plan that shooting?!" He says to me slightly raising his voice at me. My mom is a lot of things, even a couple of minutes ago she wants nothing to do with me. But she taught me to never let a male raise his voice at me. " calm your voice down for one. I don't know who you think your talking to because with that tone it isn't me.  How does he know. Niki I don't know!!" I say as he's shocked of what I said. " I swear to god if your lying to me" he says standing up looking out his window the only light shining was his night light.  I felt my body get hot like it does when I wanna scream, I'm still hurt from what happened yesterday and what happened just now and with my mom. I don't want to tell him everything.  I feel my self standing up as I walk over to him. " my mom found out I was in a supposed gang to her. She wants nothing to do with me unless I'm dying. She won't even say she loves me back. I know that isn't a big of a deal. But I'm trying to figure out why does everyone know my parents and I didn't know that. Why does June know my mom." I say as I watch him turn to me. I felt him wrapping around me like I was thin. His strong arms wrapping around my waist not letting go. I know he felt guilty and I didn't want him to feel that way. It just isn't fair when your getting accused of something especially by someone who loves you.

He pulled away from me looking down at me. " I'm sorry. We will figure this out. It's not about our safety anymore.. it's about yours" he says as he kisses my lips. The familiar soft lips tasting like honey makes me smile as we pull away. We ended up sleeping with each other but in his bed since I didn't want to go back to my room. His bed felt like a cloud and he and I cuddled. But what didn't sit right with me was why does a grown man know more about my family then I do. 

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