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Marie pov.

As I got out of the shower I hear more voices in the house making me wonder, but knowing Mina it's probably her brother and his friends.  I didn't mind them being here since they protected me tonight but I was a little embarrassed to be seen with no makeup. Thank god my hair and glasses cover some of it up for me. I didn't have pimples thank the lord but I knew they were coming because my period was on its way.

I got changed into black shorts and a hoodie that was Mina's, I brushed my  hair down leaving it as it was since I didn't want it up.  I put on the fresh socks she gave me hanging up the towel walking out making sure to turn the light off. " hey mar !!" Sunoo said to me making me give him a small smile and a wave, he was definitely girly pop but I didn't mind because he's so sweet. " we made food! If you want to eat it's not much but it's good enough so we have more room for snacks and movies" he tells me walking me to the back yard where eveyone was gathered around with fairy lights and a fire.  I smile as I see ramen and a bunch of other food.  " hey guys" I say everyone looking up and replying back, I look over at Niki. He just gave me a small smile and before I could smile back Mina ran up to me hugging my tight. I knew she felt horrible but I'm thankful for her making the rest of the night better.

" listen. I'm so sorry about wonyoung. She's just jealous. She's been trying to get into me and my brothers friend group. For some reason she is obsessed with my birthed and niki.I'm sorry I didn't do anything sooner." She told me. I felt so bad that she thought this was her fault, it wasn't. It was no one's fault but wonyoung. " min it's not ur fault nor mine nor the boys fault. Wonyoung is the one to blame. I thank you though for fresh clothes and letting me use your shower" I say back smiling as she just hugged me. After we hugged I sat down next to mina and jay everyone else around them and of course niki in front of me, he is just beautiful. I tired to sneak look at him but every time I tried he caught me giving me a intense stare. So I stopped trying because I hated eye contact.

No one's pov

They all sat around the fire laughing and eating, normally Marie would let this get to her but it didn't. She was glad to meet the people she met. " I say we okay truth or dare" jake said with a smirk causing the two and only girls to look at each other with wide eyes, " bet" jay says as he stands up wanting to go first. " truth or dare" jay says to Heesung who rolls his eyes before choosing a answer, " truth" he says playing it safe. " is it true that you dated jakes company staff member?" He said bluntly. Marie and Mina let out a bunch of giggles as everyone waited for a answer, " yes. And I'm not proud of it" he says standing up as everyone laughed out loud. " okay let's see. Niki. Truth or dare" he says Niki quickly picking truth knowing Heesung would say something outta pocket for him to do. " is it true that you dated wonyoung" " yep because of my father" he says quickly causing everyone to laugh. But Marie wasn't laughing. She was kinda pissed.

" Marie truth or dare" " truth." She says quickly as he thinks of what to say. " you never had your first kiss" he says making Marie nodded her head not ashamed, " wild" Mina said Causing Marie to stand up with a smirk. " truth or dare min?" She says Mina having to carefully think of her choice knowing the joking devilish look on her best friends face currently. " t-truth" she says closing her eyes not ready for what's about to come. " your a virgin?" Marie says laughing like a wild beast thinking the answer would be a yes. " no I'm not. And all of us aren't" Mina said laughing harder at the shocked face that marie now has on her face sitting down in disbelief. " sun ur turn. Truth or dare" Mina said as Sunoo replied with a dare, " I dare you to kiss ur crush in this room" she says confidently knowing it was going to be her brother who also had a crush on Sunoo. Marie watched with wided eyes as the two males kissed with no Shame, but it definitely became heated making everyone run in the house giggling like little kids. " well me and mar are heading to bed, make sure they use some type of protection we will see y'all tomorrow" Mina said as Marie laughed as the door shut. While the two males got heated everyone else went to bed either on the couch or upstairs in a guess bedroom.

Niki pov
I was honestly embarrassed to say I dated wonyoung right in front of mar, I never made it obvious that I think she's attractive. But tonight she made me look at her differently. She was funny and cute but when she was dressed up she was still her self but more confident and beautiful. I stayed up all night not being able to sleep, what happened to night especially with Sunoo and sunghoon made me question a lot of things but other than that. I wish I could just tell her what our " company" really is. Because it isn't a company in any way. And if Marie isn't careful. Someone might loose their life. And I don't want it to be her. Someone I might want to be with for the rest of my life.

I sit starring at the stars soon hearing a faint call of my name. I turn around quickly seeing her small figure standing about six feet away from me. " what's wrong" I ask making her startled a bit, she didn't say anything. She ran hugging me tightly me hugging back gently not wanting her to feel uncomfortable. " I just wanted to say thank you for worrying about me." She said to me Turning around heading back inside before I could say anything. I just smile to myself and go back to staring at the stars till I get a bit tired.

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