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                                         (TW= trigger warning!! Skip if it makes you to uncomfortable)

February ///

A couple of months have past. Everyone went to school like any normal day without worry! But that didn't mean that they didn't forget what was going to strike out.  It was break time once again, Marie went to use the bathroom since she was holding in her pee since the morning. The rest stayed behind as they were going to play around around of a card game....


The class went silent, the only ones who knew what that was were the ones suddenly looking at each other. But before anyone could react a announcement came on. " lock down." The class locked up the doors as they all hid. Lights turned off. Fear shown on everyone face trying to keep each other silent not wanting to wait for a slow death. Regrets and guilt flooding there body's from the past. " Marie.. she's still out at the bathroom" Mina whispered as the boys looked at each other with worried looks. "Are the guards on there way?" Sunoo asked as everyone nodded there heads, " alright then I will be back. Don't wait for me please" Niki said as he stood up everyone going wild at the boy who was about to risk his life.  As someone being used to gun shots it didn't bother him, but what did is that these people were looking for them.  Niki ran as fast as he could to the bathroom going in as he looked underneath each stall soon seeing Marie's pink slides on the floor.

" Marie is Niki open the door" Niki whispered hearing no response. He crawled underneath seeing a dazed out of it Marie. Her eyes were still, she wasn't moving. Almost as if she was paralyzed. " your okay. Look at me. Everything is okay we are getting out of here okay?" He spoke gabbing her face worried that she wasn't responding.  She finally nodded her head as Niki quietly unlocked the door taking her shoes leaving them the two in socks so there shoes wouldn't make noise.  More gunshots and screams were heard, puddles of blood were seen dripping from underneath the doors.

Marie pov

I laughed as I went to go use the bathroom before finishing another round of a card game. As I walk almost making it to the girls room I hear a loud bang. I look around the corner seeing one of the males in all black shooting some students in the heads. I quietly turn around making my way back to the bathroom locking myself in the stall. I couldn't believe what I just saw. I felt sick, angry. I didn't know what to do with myself. Seeing someone get killed like that in movies is different.. but in person. In person it hurt. I didn't know those students but it hurt to know that there family's were waiting for them when school ends or just planing a trip with them. Birthdays. All of the things that family does. There best friends. Baby sisters. Brothers.  I sit on top of the toilet shaking as I hear a few shots hear and there and screams.  I completely forget about Niki and everyone as all I could feel was numb and guilt wash over me.

I hear a whisper but I don't even care to know who was trying to get my attention. I was in shock. I couldn't believe what was happening. My worst fear.  I look seeing Niki crawling underneath the stall telling me something. I wasn't paying attention. I just know my shoes were gone and me and him were running down the halls. But more shots were heard.. more people screaming for help.  I see a teacher bleeding. I let go of Nikis arm as I go over wrapping my jacket around his stomach. " I know it hurts but you have to stay quiet" I say as I have tear rolling down my face. The blood, the head blood. I was covered. From my feet to my hands to my stomach.  We make it outside seeing the police and the group, but I feel like jelly.  My vision is going blurry my hearing feeling like it wasn't there. I felt like I wasn't even there. The running through the hallways, trying to not get caught. I sit on the side walk as they talk to the police who end up catching the six males.
I watch as they all get chained to the concrete till the school is evacuated and cleaned. I sit and watch. The dead bodies being rolled out along with students also covered in blood. Some screaming in pain. Some of the teachers didn't make it. All I wanted was my mom..

No one's pov.

The group watched as everyone came out. Wonyoung was the next to come out.  Marie stood up walking over to her who was crying. " you did this" Marie said as everyone looked at her in confusion and pity. " how dare you say something like this at this moment! Your lucky to be alive you un grateful brat!" A teacher yells as Marie looks at her feet then back at won young. " I will find you. And when I do. I will make sure to traumatize you like you traumatized me" she says as she turns around leaving the girl dumb founded. The group gets into the van only silence flooding the van. Mina hugging into Marie who was sitting by the window everyone watching and looking at each other with worry. No one knew what to say or what to do anymore. " let's call it a night.. everyone shower and just take some time to yourselfs" Heesung says as everyone nods.

They finally reach home. Everyone showered and cleaned. Niki changing but soon hearing a knock on his door. " come in"  he says.

Niki pov

I turn around seeing mar with a dull look to her face. "Listen to me. I'm so sorry you had to see what you had to see" I tell her as she looks at me dead in the eye. " your sorry? WHAT ABOUT ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO WERE LEFT? SOME DIED FOR NO REASON!!" She screamed at me as I look at her. It hurt to see her this upset. I have no clue what she saw or what I wish I could of protected her from. " Marie calm down." I say with a stern voice. " DONT FUCKING TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!! YOU SAID THIS WAS A GROUP WHO PROTECTS PEOPLE! NOT LEAVE THEM TO DIE!" She screams.  I take her by the wrists pinning her onto the bed as she screams at me. " I know ur upset but you have to listen to me" I say as I try to calm her from Making herself sick or more drained. "LET ME GO!!" She screams as I stay I top of her hugging her till she stops. She kicked and punched me till her body went weak with every little sob and cry she had left in her. It hurt me to see that she noticed that we didn't do anything in that moment. We do protect.. we just didn't know this was going to happen.  

I lift myself up her small body underneath mine trapped between my arms. " t-they shot them in the h-head.. and I couldn't do anything about it" she sobbed as tears rolled down her cheeks. Her eyes closed shut whimpering like it was playing through her mind. All I could do was flip us over to the point she was on top of me. I wrap my arms around her making sure she felt she was safe and not going anywhere. My heart felt like it broke as she stopped crying herself to sleep. " I'm so sorry" I say as I kiss her forehead her lips going into a frown.

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