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Beyoncé POV

1 month later

"YOU DID WHAT?!" My mother yelled at me and i quickly closed the door of our downstairs area so nobody could hear

After our visit with the girls, it was just something about them that just stuck with me. I didn't know what it was quite yet but I knew I couldn't allow them to stay in that jail rotting away

They were dying in there slowly, I was fighting for them and they were clearly letting go.  I couldn't let that happen to them because despite everything they were children.

They've been through a lot and I could tell they were extremely suicidal, and it wasn't like they haven't been trying. They were just being ignored and silenced but not anymore. I was going to make sure they got the help they needed if it killed me

I made a promise to myself and to Kiyana that I would re-write my wrongs I made in the past and I will fulfill that promise. So if this is what it took... so be it

After hundreds of arguments and disagreements with Shawn over the past week, he finally caved and agreed to help me get the girls out of jail.

It was a hard and stressful process due to the girls being product of the state. We had to go to court to get temporary custody over them since they were still minors along with a plethora of legal stuff and parenting courses they made us do. we also had to drop all personal charges against them so there wouldn't be a conflict in their case.

We had no hand in any of the case dealings anymore, it was now a state case meaning it was about to get dirty and messy real quick.

It took about 6 weeks to finally get all the paperwork together to bring them home but we finally got it together and picked them up yesterday morning.

They were of course under strict house rules while staying here to ensure the safety of everyone in the home. They couldn't come upstairs where our rooms were at all and couldn't leave their rooms downstairs past 10 pm. There weren't allowed alone with blue whatsoever and they also had to talk to a therapist everyday until the trial began.

They definitely seemed to dislike the idea of living here because of me. They didn't like me whatsoever but that was fine.. I'd rather them be uncomfortable than dead

"Can you stop yelling they are literally downstairs right now.." I told my mom and she was fuming

We hadn't told anyone in the family about what we were doing so we wouldn't get distracted by the negativity. We already knew it wouldn't be a happy scene so we waited until finally telling them today

"that's the problem Beyoncé! Have you lost your mind? You got those thugs in your home with the child they took!" My mom yelled at me and I just shook my head

"They were being abused and harassed inside that jail, they were gonna die if they stayed and we had no where else for them to go.." I explained to her and I seen Solo flop down on the couch crossing her arms

"I mean I don't see what was wrong with how they were being treated in jail. They deserve everything they get, you're acting like you don't know what they did" Solange said making me scrunch my face up in disgust at her comments

"Yeah I know exactly what they did.. they gave us blue back, unharmed! Those girls are 16 years old, your saying that a child deserves to be abused?" I asked her and she shrugged

"you're acting like they're 5 or something! Those girls are old enough and knew exactly what they were doing! Your letting criminals off the hook and you honestly should be ashamed of yourself" She argued and I just shook my head at her because she truly had some nerve

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