Episode 44: Collection of Bonds

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The fierce spar between Izumi and Hanao eventually reached a peak, leaving Izumi completely tired. As she gathered her breath, she approached her tutor with a courteous bow and addressed her as Lady Hanao.

"Lady Hanao, I sincerely appreciate your instruction and support during our training session. "I couldn't have made such progress without your expertise," Izumi said, her voice filled with gratitude.

Hanao, oozing grace and wisdom, smiled lovingly at her committed student. "Izumi, your hard work and determination have really paid off. It has been an honor to be your mentor and see you progress."

With a sense of success and friendship, the two kunoichi decided to spend the evening together, finding solitude and tranquility in the sanctuary. They sank in comfortably, surrounded by a relaxing atmosphere and the aroma of warm tea.

As they sipped their tea, Izumi's interest piqued, encouraging her to learn more about Hanao's background. She was intrigued to learn more about her mentor.

"Lady Hanao, would you share more about your childhood in the Jorōgumo Woodlands and how you became a Sannin?" Izumi politely inquired, her eyes bright with real interest.

Hanao's gaze softened as she reflected about her early days. "Izumi, the Jorōgumo Woodlands provided both wonders and trials for me. It was here that I discovered my affinity for Earth and Dragon jutsus, as well as how to harness the force of nature itself. I eventually became a Sannin thanks to dedication and a strong connection to my surroundings."

Izumi leaned forward, mesmerized by Hanao's words. The idea of having a deep connection to the nature filled her with amazement and inspiration.

"Lady Hanao, your connection to nature and mastery of Earth and Dragon jutsus are truly amazing.  It is an honor to learn from someone with such unique talents," Izumi said, her voice full of admiration and appreciation.

Hanao smiled broadly, acknowledging Izumi's sincere curiosity and respect. "Thank you, Izumi. Your words melt my heart. It is an honor to accompany you on your path of progress and self-discovery."

Hanao resumed her story, conscious of Izumi's developing interest in her background. She described her interaction with Orochimaru, confronting the unpleasant subject with candor.

"Izumi, I must confess that there was a time when I had a connection with Orochimaru," Hanao acknowledged, her voice tinged with remorse. "In the beginning, I recognized him as a talented shinobi with enormous potential. We had same aims and hopes for a better future.

Izumi's expression shifted, a mixture of disbelief and disgust flickering across her features "Wait you liked Orochimaru?! Ew, why?!"

Hanao, perceiving Izumi's reaction, couldn't help but chuckle softly. She knew it was a delicate matter, but a little humor might lighten the mood.

"Izumi, I understand your reaction. But you must know that Orochimaru wasn't always the figure he is now," Hanao defended her case playfully. "Back then, he was a man of exceptional talent and charm. He possessed an undeniable beauty, not just in his appearance but in his abilities as well. Unfortunately, that beauty was tainted by his descent into darkness."

Izumi tilted her head, "What happened exactly?"

"Well... let me see," Hanao began to recount the tales of her past.


The private training area tucked deep inside the forest's embrace hummed with anticipation as Hanao and Orochimaru faced each other. Leaves swayed in the soft air, throwing dappled shadows on the ground as they prepared to duel.

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