Episode 7: The Battle on the Bridge!

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As Izumi and Naruto entered the kitchen, warm aromas of food wafted towards them.

Naruto picked the better of the two remaining chairs at the table, forcing her to sit between him and Sasuke for dinner.

Tsunami placed a plate in front of the female, and she served herself some rice, vegetables, and fish from the center of the table.

After a few minutes of calm dining, Tazuna set his fork on the table.

"There has been something bothering me these past few days." Tazuna exposed slowly. "Why are you all still here... after I lied about the mission? You understand we can't afford to pay you, right?" His eyes revealed his humiliation.

Kakashi sighed, adjusting his fingerless gloves. "Seeing what is right without doing it demonstrates a lack of bravery. That is a teaching of the late Hokage." Kakashi explained.

Tazuna and Tsunami's expressions softened.

Kakashi reminded Team 7 of what it meant to be a ninja, and Izumi felt a sense of pride.

Kakashi looked around the table at his colleagues. Naruto and Sasuke were exhausted, Izumi was dirty from volunteering in the village, and Sakura's hands were sore from housework.

Outsiders may perceive them as awkward and disrespectful children, but Kakashi and Tazuna saw them as hardworking ninjas.

Your face warms as Tazuna and Tsunami stare at you in a new light. "Thank you." They both speak pleasantly.

Inari, standing across from Izumi, dropped his head and trembled.

"It's no trouble at all. In fact, we should be the ones grateful that you welcomed us into your home." Izumi gave a sweet smile.

A drip of water splashed onto the table, and Izumi recognized Inari was crying.

"Why?!" Inari gritted silently. He struck his hands on the surface and got up out of his chair.

Izumi's abrupt actions surprised Naruto and Sasuke. To them, it looked like she was fighting with Inari.

"Why do you work so hard until you get like that?!" Inari exclaimed as tears streamed down his cheeks. "All of you! You are filthy, bleeding, and exhausted. What is the point?!"

They gave him a minute to vent.
None of them knew the amount of time he'd kept it in, but he couldn't go on for very long.

"Regardless of how long you train, how many great things you say, or how much work you put in...the weak always lose to the strong. You will die! Why do you bother working?" Inari yelled as he fell back into his seat. He continued to cry, and she wondered who the tears were for.

"If you've understood anything about us, Inari, it's that we never give up." Izumi provided with a faint, resolute smile.

"Shut up!" Inari shrieked at her.

The blonde grunted, surprised, as Inari dragged her by the hem of her shirt.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura stiffened, ready to rush to her rescue against this weak child.

"I can't stand any of you! You are too carefree for your own good. None of you know anything about pain or loss!" Inari thrashed, released Izumi's shirt and pushed her away.

Izumi wasn't known as being as quick-tempered or rash as Naruto and Sakura, but seeing Naruto and Sasuke's crestfallen gazes made her fired up.

Aside from Sakura, everyone on the team was an orphan, an outcast, and the source of someone else's grief and suffering. Inari would not have known, of course, but he had no right to suspect.

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