Episode 17: The Chunnin Exams: Part Three! Foe vs. Foe!

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Before entering the main hall to hear the Hokage's speech, Team 7 was escorted into the medical area, where professional healers cared for their wounds with practiced efficiency. Bandages were administered, wounds were washed, and spirits were strengthened as they prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead.

The Genin gathered in what appeared to be an arena. All over the arena, there were benches on a balcony, probably for onlookers and passive participants to view.

When the Hokage began speaking, Izumi faced forward. He began congratulating the remaining pupils for completing the first and second phases.

He then went on to describe the aim of the Chunin exams. Aside from establishing one's strength and value as a Chunin, the goal is also to unite all nations.

Sakura began to raise her hand, pleading with Sasuke to pull out of the last round because his curse mark was giving him pain.

Izumi grabbed her hand and pushed it down, prompting Sakura to lower it.

Sakura gazed at her hand, attempting to lift it. She continued to strive until her gaze fell on the blonde...

"What are you doing, Izumi? Let go! I need to tell them!" She argued.

"It's not your decision to make..." Izumi responded.

"But... but..." she faltered as Izumi expressed her displeasure.

"She is right, Sakura... it is not your choice.  Stop being so annoying," Sasuke interrupted.

Tears begin to gather on the edges of her eyes. "Why do you have to push yourself so far, Sasuke?" She asked.

"Please keep out of it, Sakura. It's none of your business whether he stays or leaves." Izumi cautioned.

The first contestants announced on the drawing board were:

Sasuke Uchiha vs. Yoroi

The rest of the students were forced up onto the balcony.

Having calmed down from the incident, Izumi hesitated, "Hey Sasuke,"

"Hm?," he hummed, looking at her.

Izumi eyed his opponent with a lazy expression before looking to him, "You kick his ass, you hear me?"

"Tch, you know I will... no hard feelings?," he held his hand out for her to shake.

Shaking it, she offered a smirk, "Just get the job done. It isn't like you to be all mushy."

Chuckling she waved as she left to ascend to the balcony where her team was.

Izumi caught up with Naruto and Sakura. The rest of the Rookie 10, along with Kakashi, Gai, Asuma, and Kurenai sensei, were all present. Genin and Hokage were on the opposite balcony, surrounded by sand and sound.

Izumi ended up standing with Kakashi and her squad on one side and Guy with Team 9 on the other. She saw Shikamaru and waved before returning to her spot to watch the contest.

As the battle between Sasuke and Yoroi advanced, the tension in the arena reached a fever pitch.

The curse mark engraved onto Sasuke's skin pulsed ominously, sending dark energy through his veins like a quiet tempest.

Sasuke's actions were powered by the raw energy of the curse mark, which heightened his senses and sharpened his reflexes.

But even as the power rushed within him, threatening to consume his own soul, Sasuke remained steadfast, his resolve unflinching in the face of adversity.

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