Episode 39: Roar, Chidori! Brother vs. Brother!

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Naruto was meditating calmly when there was an odd knock on the door. Without any disturbance, he presumed it was Jiraiya and exclaimed, "Hm? In a moment!" He got up slowly from his meditation, feeling no rush.

There was a second knock on the door.

"What? Has she already broken up with you?" Jokingly, Naruto exclaimed, assuming it was a lighthearted interjection.

A third knock was the only reply.

Naruto moaned, starting to become a little irritated, "I heard you the first time! Please wait while I unlock it.

An unfathomable horror overcame Naruto the instant he saw the guy behind the door. Very few could understand the pure dread he sensed at that moment. This man was someone who not even the strongest shinobi would feel safe around. No member of the Suoh clan, not even Kakashi or Jiraiya, could face him without suffering psychological or physical harm. They would always be plagued by the memories of Itachi Uchiha, the Uchiha Clan's murderer and a traitor to the Leaf, leaving an enduring impression on their spirits.

End of Recap...

Naruto stood rooted in fear, unable to make a single movement as his mind raced with confusion. He couldn't identify the man at the door but instinctively knew that something was amiss. 'Sasuke? No, it can't be... This person feels different... Who is he?'

The individual with raven hair, possessing the same piercing Sharingan as Sasuke, maintained an unwavering gaze at the young Uzumaki.

Kisame emerged from the shadows, standing alongside Itachi. "Heh, hard to believe that such a young child carries the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox..."

'How does this stranger know about the Nine-Tailed Fox?' Naruto pondered, his mind racing for answers.

Finally, Itachi Uchiha himself broke the silence. "Naruto, you will come with us."

Meanwhile, Sasuke and Izumi continued their frantic search through hallways and rooms, their worry for their friend intensifying with each passing moment.

Suddenly, Sasuke's senses sharpened, his demeanor shifting noticeably. "He's here. I can feel his chakra," he informed Izumi, who recognized the change in his tone.

As Izumi focused on the charged atmosphere, she too sensed the powerful aura that coursed through her body, sending a shiver down her spine. "Wow, that's one formidable ninja. No wonder your clan faced such a difficult fate. Are you sure you're prepared to face him with your current level of skill?"

Sasuke contemplated for a moment before responding, "I don't have a choice, do I? If I don't take action, Naruto's life is in grave danger."

Izumi shrugged, a mix of concern and admiration in her eyes. "Well, you're right. Just... be careful, Sasuke. It won't be an easy fight."

"Thank you. I promise I'll handle it," Sasuke nodded, his voice filled with determination.

Izumi returned his nod with a smile. "Alright, let's go rescue our friend!"

With Sasuke leading the way, they hurried toward the source of the formidable chakra.

Suddenly, as they ran, Izumi caught glimpses of memories flashing through Sasuke's mind. The haunting images of the Uchiha Massacre played out, stirring a sense of guilt within Izumi. "S-Sasuke?"

"Yeah? What is it?" He turned his head to look at her while maintaining their pace.

Izumi's expression softened. "I saw... those memories just now. I'm sorry... I never fully comprehended the extent of the pain caused by your brother. I promise you, I'll support you in any way I can."

Sasuke offered the most genuine smile she had witnessed from him thus far. "Thank you, Izumi. Your support means a lot to me."

"I'm glad I can be of assistance. We shouldn't take this lightly," Izumi replied, returning his smile with determination of her own.

Inside the inn, Naruto engaged in a tense stare-down with Itachi and Kisame.

"Why don't we take a little walk?" Itachi suggested to Naruto.

Naruto's face tightened with apprehension. 'These guys... They seem like the real deal.' He cautiously took a couple of steps out of the room, while Itachi moved back to give him space.

"Hey, Itachi, it might be troublesome if this kid tries to escape. Maybe I should just chop off one of his legs as insurance..." Kisame proposed with a sly grin.

Naruto's fear escalated upon hearing those words. 'What?!'

Itachi remained silent, his gaze fixed on Naruto.

"I see," Kisame noted the silence, interpreting it as a confirmation. Just as he swung his blade, Itachi spoke up again.

"It's been a while..."

Kisame turned his attention to Itachi. "Hmm?"

Itachi stood motionless. "Sasuke..."

"Itachi Uchiha," Sasuke responded through gritted teeth.

Naruto's eyes widened. 'Itachi Uchiha?!'

"Well... the Sharingan. And he bears a striking resemblance to you. Itachi, who is this kid?" Kisame questioned, growing skeptical.

Itachi hummed in response. "He's my younger brother."

Kisame's skepticism deepened. "That's strange. I heard that you wiped out the entire Uchiha clan. Including him."

"I see the last Suoh girl is with you as well. Quite a coincidence, isn't it?" Itachi finally glanced back slightly, acknowledging Izumi's presence.

Izumi locked eyes with Kisame, her gaze unwavering despite the weight of his dark presence. "The only coincidence here is that Sasuke and I have come with a singular purpose."

"Hmph, this girl has some spirit. But can she back up her clan's reputation?" Kisame chuckled, tauntingly.

Izumi's smirk grew wider. "Why don't you and I find out? I've been itching for a reason to take you down."

"You insolent brat! Once I'm done with you, you'll be begging for mercy from your little spirit companion," Kisame roared.

"Levi is not just a pet. He's a respected guardian spirit. And don't underestimate me—I won't go down easily. Even at my current level, I can hold my own for quite a while," Izumi scoffed confidently.

Kisame's amusement vanished. "You think you stand a chance against me? Kisame of the Seven Swordsmen? Even a descendant of such a distinguished lineage as yours is no match for me, at least not in this lifetime," he remarked with arrogance.

"Itachi Uchiha, prepare to meet your end," Sasuke snarled, his Sharingan eyes already gleaming with intensity.

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