Episode 32: The Battles Continue: Sasuke vs. Gaara!

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Before and after the conflict between the Third Hokage and Orochimaru, Hiruzen explains that employing the sealing method results in death, as proved by the Fourth Hokage.

Orochimaru, however, is not convinced and argues that he has found a way to perfect the technique and avoid death.

The Third Hokage, with a stern expression, responds, "You are playing with dangerous and forbidden techniques, Orochimaru. You have already crossed the line by experimenting on innocent lives and betraying the village. I cannot allow you to continue down this path."

Orochimaru smirks and retorts, "But what do you know, old man? You are too weak and afraid to embrace true power. I will prove to you that I am the greatest shinobi and that my methods are superior."

The Third Hokage's expression remains unchanged as he calmly responds, "True power does not come from forbidden techniques or betraying one's own village. It comes from within, from one's own strength and determination to protect and defend what is right."

Orochimaru's smirk turns into a scowl as he prepares to attack, but the Third Hokage is ready and swiftly counters his moves. As they engage in a fierce battle, the Third Hokage continues to lecture Orochimaru, "You may have great abilities, but without a moral compass, you are nothing but a monster."

Orochimaru's attacks become more desperate and reckless as he tries to prove the Third Hokage wrong.

"I had hoped you would see the error of your ways, Orochimaru. But it seems you are too consumed by your own desires to understand the true meaning of strength," The Third glared.

Because so much of his soul has been destroyed, Orochimaru can now see the seal demon, just in time to watch its eating of the Hokage souls. Once eaten by the monster, the souls are stuck in its belly, doomed to spend eternity in a never-ending fight of hatred with one another.

This news terrified Orochimaru, who attempted to ensure that the Third died before he could be handed the same fate.

"In order for this jutsu to work, you sacrifice your soul to death. It's a sealing that you only pay for with your life. There's no need to avoid it. I'll die anyway! My soul will be consumed at the same time that the sealing is finished. It is the jutsu of the hero, who once used it to save this village. From now on, you will also perish!!" The Third Hokage yelled firmly.

"You mean that this was the jutsu that sealed even the Nine-Tailed Fox?!" Orochimaru questioned.

"Yes, I will soon extract your spirit from your body and seal you. You should be able to see it right now. Your soul is also approximately halfway out with this jutsu; the one whose soul is sealed will suffer for all eternity in the belly of death, never achieving release," the Third Hokage concluded saying, just as the souls were eaten and Orochimaru watched in horror.

Master Jiraiya, who had taught Naruto his Chunin Exam techniques, arrived just in time to help the others combat the massive snakes that were destroying the buildings.

"He's finally started it, huh? That Orochimaru! Where is the Hokage?" He inquired, staring at the proctor.

"He's at the test arena," he replied.

'I see..... Don't be dying now, old man,' Jiraiya pleaded, hoping that his long-time sensei would survive among the rest.

The sand siblings kept going through every tree to get away, but it wasn't long before they came to a halt. Sasuke stood in front of them, smirking confidently and declaring that running away was pointless.

On the other side, Pakkun detected their odors nearby and realized that the other was barely human.

Izumi promised to be careful, but instead used her talents to get to Sasuke far faster than the others.

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