Episode 16: The Chunnin Exams: Sasuke's Awakening!

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(CW: This chapter contains topics of abuse, torture, panic attacks, and limb dislocation, aka the scene where Sasuke hurts Zaku. If you are offended or sensitive to any of these topics, I will mark the scenes with "***" to indicate the topic so you can skip if needed💕Otherwise, enjoy reading!)

"So....after what happened earlier...... we need something to help us find out if our comrade is an imposter or not..." Izumi began.

"Yeah, Izumi is right... we need a code..." Sasuke responded.

"What would it be?" Sakura questioned.

"It'll be the ninja song... when will a ninja attack? You'll respond with a ninja strikes when the enemy's guard is down, and their weapon lays forgotten in the middle of night. That's when a ninja attacks." Sasuke confirmed.

"Um...can you make a shorter one?" Naruto asked.

Sakura's head pricked up. "Well, I memorized that in an instant."

Izumi frowned. "Not everyone has as good of a memory. But, I know the ninja song by heart, so I should be alright."

"Oh never mind...... I remember that!" Naruto rejoiced, but he was lying.

'Perhaps it is for the best; he is an easy target. So if the opponent disguised themselves as him, the team would know in an instant if he could answer the question. Izumi pondered.

A powerful wind erupted out of nowhere and blew hard into the squad.

Izumi lost her footing and let go of the branch she was holding on to.

Izumi yelped, the wind gusts causing her headache from the pressure, "Ahhh! Help!"

Naruto, surprised, lunged for her and did his best to hold her down. Sasuke approached from behind, attempting to assist in holding her down.

"Hold on Izumi!" Naruto's eyes were agitated.

Sasuke shouted, "We've got you! "Do not let go!"

Unfortunately, an even stronger gust caused her hand to slip, and their hands let go. Naruto and Sasuke fell back and watched Izumi whisk anway into the air.

"Izumi!" Naruto yelled.

"Ahhh!!" She screamed.

"We'll find you! Just find your footing!" Sasuke called.

After regaining consciousness after a few seconds of being blown away, she grabbed a nearby tree and held on for dear life, attempting to determine what had produced the gust of wind.

Before she could think, Izumi observed two distinct chakra points behind her. She paused to listen to the sounds around her. She waited for their exact location, and then... 


The blonde jumped onto the nearest tree branch to find two Hidden Stone ninjas attempting to assassinate her with several shurikens.

Izumi looked down at the men. "That's quite rude! You boys definitely are determined, huh? Let's face it; you boys have no chance against me!"

"Hehe. Keep telling yourself that. Go ahead, scare us..." One of the ninjas insulted his buddy, who laughed deeply.

With a whisper, "Hidden Jutsu: Suoh Dissapearing!", Izumi vanished out of thin air.

The ninjas searched desperately for the kunoichi but had no success. They were almost back to back when she emerged in the middle of them. She lifted them both into the air while holding their shirts.

"We'll aren't you two adorable...guess I'm gonna have to cut this little meeting of ours short though." She cried out as she threw the ninjas face down into the ground, knocking them both unconscious.

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