Episode 11: Room 203!

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*The Next Day*

Izumi got up early and, of course, decided to take the Chunnin tests. She would not pass up the opportunity to rise in her rank.

She got ready, changed into her ninja uniform, ate an easy breakfast at Ichiraku Ramen, and headed to the academy. She met Naruto on the way.

She waved at him as a greeting, and he smiled, "Hey, Izumi! I see you're going to take the exam!" He exclaimed.

"Of course!" This is my chance to grow stronger!" She gave a cheer.

On their way to the academy, they met Sasuke and Sakura. The two greeted them, and they returned the greeting. Then all four made their way to the next floor.

Once on top, a crowd gathered in front of a door. A girl Izumi knew as Tenten was pleading at the two boys guarding the door to let her squad in.

'But this is only the second floor. What are they doing here?' Izumi thought to herself.

Suddenly, she heard a deep voice in her head. 'It is a Genjutsu Izumi.'

Since the Chunin exams began, Leviathan, Izumi's dragon spirit, had been more active from within her mind, providing her with more direction as time passed.

'Are you sure, Levi? She questioned her dragon guardian in her brain.

'I'm certain of it. No jutsu looks quite like it.' Izumi shrugged slightly, agreeing with him.

Izumi identified the two guarding the door as Izumo and Kotetsu.

Izumi stepped forward, squinting at the two. "Reverse the genjutsu... this is a very poor tactic.." she murmured.

Izumo smirks "Seems like blondie here managed to see through the genjutsu..." he mumbled.

"Actually... I'm not the only one..." Izumi turned to gaze at Sakura. "You see it too, right Sakura?" She said.

She turned to Izumi with a blank expression before smiling, "Yeah.... Of course, this is only the second floor..." she replied.

"Nice.. now let's see if you can see through this!" Kotetsu remarked before swinging his leg at the blonde. Sasuke appears in front of her, blocking him. But before they could lay a hit on each other, a boy in a green jumpsuit appeared between them and grabbed both their legs.

Izumi gasped at how strong and quick this guy was. 'Who's this kid? "As bushy as his brows are...he's not bad for a ninja."

"Lee! What are you doing now? You're the one who suggested we should maintain a low profile!" Neji Hyuga, a boy with pale lavender eyes, spoke. He was Hinata's elder and stronger relative, representing the Hyuga clan's side branch.

"I know... it's just..." he pauses in mid-sentence and looks at Izumi. His cheeks turned pink as he approached her, grinning. "My name is Rock Lee.... you're Izumi Suoh, right?" He said.

Izumi looked at him, puzzled. "Um...yeah..... that's me." She said.

Then he gives me the thumbs-up. "Please be my girlfriend... I vow to protect you with my life!" He said.

Izumi broke into a sweat.

Izumi offered him a forlorn grin. "Sorry, Lee. If I knew you better, I would, but I'm sorry. "I can't."

He initially appeared dejected, but then a light bulb went off in his head. "I see. I'm not yet worthy of your love! Don't worry! I will continue to train until you make me yours!" He shouted before fleeing, most likely to train somewhere else.

The blonde laughed at his enthusiasm and praised him for his determination. She didn't find him particularly handsome, but he wasn't ugly either.

"Hey, you! What is your name?" the Hyuga boy asked, pointing to Sasuke and Izumi.

"It's a common courtesy to introduce yourself before asking someone else's name," Sasuke commented, seemingly offended.

"Well, I'm Izumi Suoh....... I'm sure Lee over there has mentioned my name, and this guy is Sasuke..... it's nice to meet you...." Izumi replied with a smile.

A tick mark appeared on Sasuke's head, and he grabbed Izumi's hand, tugging her along with him.

Izumi gasped and stumbled along behind him, "Wha- hey! Sasuke, slow down!"

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