Episode 21: Two Perverts and a Kuncklehead!

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~A few days later~

Naruto sprinted down a long alleyway to the northeastern edge of the village, his purposeful strides drawing the attention of the passing inhabitants. He rushed into the hospital, looking for someone.

Approaching the main desk in the lobby, he addressed the woman working there with apparent urgency. "Excuse me, ma'am! Could you please let me know where Sasuke is getting taken care of?  I need to see him."

The woman shrugged, a look of sympathy in her eyes. "I am sorry, sir, but I do not have that information. Visiting hours are over for today. You'll have to wait or return tomorrow."

"AWW CMON, LADY! MY FRIEND IS IN HERE! PLEASE LET ME SEE HIM-," Naruto implored, his voice overflowing with anguish.

Just as he was ready to continue, a familiar voice interrupted him with a sigh. "Will you keep it down? This is the hospital wing. Please lower your voice for the sake of the patients."

Naruto turned the corner to see his sensei, Kakashi, standing there. Relief rushed over him as he cried, "Kakashi-sensei! Boy, am I glad to see you!"

"Don't tell me; I know exactly what you're going to ask... and the answer is no. I'm sorry, but I can't be your finals trainer. However, I can help you look for someone suitable to continue your training," Kakashi stated firmly.

Naruto gave out a frustrated grunt. "Oh come on! Why can't you train me, Sensei?!"

Kakashi frowned and explained, "Well, I have other obligations to attend to, and I am already overseeing Sasuke's training. It wouldn't be fair to coach both of you when you're technically on different teams."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it," Naruto muttered. "But who could possibly teach me as well as you?"

A smirk tugged at the edges of Kakashi's disguised cheeks as he looked behind Naruto. "Hmm... I think I know just the right person..."

"WHO?! WHO?!!" Naruto exclaimed enthusiastically.

Footsteps approached from behind, and a voice called out, "It is I..."

Naruto turned to see Ebisu-sensei standing there, looking down at him. "YOU?! YOU MEAN THE CLOSET PERVERT IS TRAINING ME?!"

Ebisu's visage darkened as he said, "Ugh! Such arrogance!"

After a while of Naruto rushing around and reluctantly training with Ebisu Sensei, they arrived at their destination—the village's hot springs. Naruto couldn't help but wonder why they were walking there, past shops and mini-restaurants.

"Hello, Ebisu Sensei! Can you tell me why we're visiting the hot springs?" Naruto inquired, his expression indicating bewilderment. "Is taking a bath part of my training? I don't mind soaking my feet, however..."

"NARUTOOOO!" Ebisu's voice roared, interrupting Naruto's rambling. "That's the women's side of the bathroom! Young man, I will not tolerate any improper behavior!"

Naruto's eyes expanded with awareness. "Inappropriate behavior?! What exactly are you talking about? Do you suppose I am attempting to sneak a peek? You are the true pervert here!"

The blond boy turned and returned to face Ebisu Sensei, with his scowl still fixed.

Ebisu looked back at Naruto, his expression grim behind his darkened-round glasses. "What? What is it now?!"

"Oh, nothing! Just... Ugh! What on earth are we doing here?!" Naruto exclaimed, his voice resonating throughout the neighborhood. "Are you going to teach me how to wash my ears like a cat or something?!"

With an arrogant expression, Ebisu pushed his glasses up. "Not quite! Although, now that you mention it, that would be a good idea for future training!"

"Huh?" Naruto grunted, his curiosity aroused.

To cut a long story short, Ebisu attempted to teach Naruto how to walk on water, but the blond ninja struggled to understand the technique.

As Naruto tried to keep his footing on the water with only one foot, he pointed into the distance and yelled, "AHHHHHH!" His concentration wavered, forcing him to lose his balance and fall into the water once more.

Ebisu moved his body and turned to look behind him, curious as to what had captured Naruto's attention.

He noticed a man with long, spiky white hair and a red haori sitting cross-legged in front of a carved peephole. Ebisu was aware that the other side of the cutout went to an area where women were swimming.

"Hmm... Are you peering into the women's bathroom, old man? I will not tolerate such deplorable behavior!" Ebisu mocked the man, ignorant who he was addressing.

The tall man with white hair turned around, his face angry rather than terrified or afraid. "Oh, please!" he said, blinking one eye and making a hand sign with just one hand.

With a summoning jutsu, the man summoned a particularly enormous toad. His body transitioned from a casual sitting stance to one of spiritual concentration.

"Huh?! What in the world?!" Ebisu exclaimed.

At Jiraiya's order, the toad's long tongue extended instantly, coiling around Ebisu's midsection. The toad used its great strength to pull Ebisu off the ground and toss him back into the stone pavement beside the bridge.

Ebisu lay on the ground, writhing and totally unresponsive.

"What is wrong with you? Keep it down! Do you want us to be caught, you idiot?," the man scolded, his voice full of frustration.

Naruto, who was watching the entire scenario from a distance, was completely taken aback and intrigued by this enigmatic individual's abilities. "Who is this guy?!" he inquired, his thoughts racing with inquiries. "He not only easily defeated my trainer, but he appears to be an even worse pervert than Ebisu. How do I continue my training with him?"

Naruto's countenance was a mix of curiosity and mistrust as he warily approached the white-haired man.

(WIP)The Hidden Dragon Chronicles: Series 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora