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"I did nothing to her." I say as Soleil is gone.

"How could I possibly trust you?"

"That I can't give you an answer." I say. "But you've just got to believe me."

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I didn't come here to fight, alright? I hate you, but for the sake of Soleil, ive got to do this."

"No." He says. "You can't date her."

"Goddamnit." I sigh. "You know, Dubois, me and Soleil could damn well date behind your back. You'd never find out, we don't even go to the same school anymore. But we didn't, alright? I can't date her, knowing she would contemplate it every time."

"Then don't."

"I can't. Why don't you fucking understand that? I've told you a hundred times. I may treat other girls like shit but not her."

"Why her? There's a hundred girls out there, you just had to choose her?"

"Soleil treats me differently. She doesn't want me for my money or dick. She's patient with me, she didn't leave me when she found out about my shit. She stayed."

He stays quiet.

"I swear, ill treat her well. Just for once, let Soleil make her own decision."

He sighs. "How do I know you won't hurt her again?"

"I swear, the day I hurt her, ill go." I say. "I won't allow her to stay with someone who's hurt her, even if its me. And I swear, I won't go, because I won't hurt her."

"Do you really swear not to even break her heart? Even if its just a crack?"

"I swear."

He sighs. "Fine."

"Fucking finally, Goddamnit. That wasn't so hard now, was it?" I sigh.

"No sex."

"Sure." I say.

"Im being serious, man. You are to never see her naked." He says.

"Uh huh."

"Are you both done?" Soleil asks, walking down the stairs.

"Yeah." Lucas mumbles.

"What'd you say?" She asks.

"Yes." Lucas sighs. "You can date the asshole."

She gasps. "Really?"

"Fuck off." Lucas mumbles.

Soleil hugs his brother and grins at me. "I know you'd make it work."

"Yeah, well, for you, id make anything work." I shrug, kissing her forehead.

"One last thing." Soleil says.

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