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The second Soleil is gone, I storm towards my father's office and he looks up at me. "Its about time."

I slam the door shut behind me and approach him. "I am not going to therapy."

"You clearly need it."

"No, I dont, but you know who does? You and your self- absorbed son."

He stands up. "Dont talk about me and your brother like that. You need therapy,  accept it."

"Accept what? Therapy is what's making my life ruined!"

"It will help you get better- you're not doing well in football, I've seen your games, you haven't scored a goal in weeks. Even during penalty, you can't do it!"

"So, this is about football then? You're scared your fucked up son is going to ruin your reputation, aren't you?"

He stays silent and I know that's the answer.

"Its not only about football- you keep breaking cameras of paparazzi everytime, you're failing all your classes, you're getting in a lot of fights, you're barely home anymore. Your mother is worried!"

"She's always worried about me. I'm not going back to therapy, do you understand? It won't get me better. Find something else."


"For what?" I ask, my nerves starting to get higher.

My father sighs. "You need help, why can't you see that?"

"I don't!" I yell. "I don't need help, why does no one fucking understand?"

"You don't understand. You can't even see it."

"Listen, dad, im sorry, okay? I'm sorry I can't be the perfect son like Mateo, im sorry I can't be good at everything I do, but ill never be good enough for you, or for mom. I've always been the disappointment, so I'm going to stick to that, okay? I know it brings you happiness to see me fail, im not blind and ill do just that."

"That's not true-"

"Really? Its not? Everyone can see, you're ashamed because even you can't accept that you're a shitty father."

He sighs. "Of course Mateo is better than you! He's smart, productive, rarely drinks, goes out for fun, not for drinking  and smoking, he knows what he wants to do, he's set for life. You? You're absolutely useless!"

"Great, im glad we've established that." I mutter.

"Im trying to help you get better-"

"You're late, dad. You shouldve tried that when I was 13 and you sent me to rehab."

"What was I supposed to do? You overdosed-"

"Because you told me you wished I died! I tried doing what you wanted! That was the first and the last time I ever did drugs."

"Thats in the past, you're addicted to alcohol."

"I am not having this conversation with you." I sigh. "Im fine, if you can't see that then thats not my problem."

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