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"Hello, kids." My father says as he enters through the door.

I smile. "Hi, dad. How was work?"

He shrugs. "The same."

I nod. "That's good."

"What's your brother doing?" He asks, looking at Lucas who's jumping up and down in the middle of the living room.

I shrug. "No idea."

Lucas stops jumping and throws himself on the couch next to me. "Coach told me I can't jump."

Dad shakes his head before placing his bag on the table and sitting on his chair in the living room.

My father worked as a French teacher in a middle school. After that, he'd work at his part time job which was at a coffee shop. He always comes home after 10PM, but today he had his 'one quarter of your day off' at the coffee shop so he's home at about 8PM.

But now that we're doing the program, we come home later that usual, except for the days that won't have us working with our partners. When we come home early, Lucas took that as a chance to go out before dad came home. Sometimes so did I.

Ever since my mom died, we've been having difficulties with money. I told him that I'd grab a job, but he wouldn't let me. He said it wasn't my age to get a job, that I should focus on school.

Since Lucas and I are twins, both of us are going to college at the same time and those things aren't cheap. Lucas with his football equipments weren't too cheap either. I loved my father with all my whole heart, he did more than enough for us. Even though mom died, he did his best to stay strong. For us.

"You kids had that exchange program today, right?"

I nod. "Yeah."

"How'd that go?" He asks.

I sigh. "Except for Lucas' horrible driving and my partner, it was fine. That school is absolutely gorgeous though."

Dad nods. "Yeah, I heard about it. Who's your partner?"

"Elias Morano." I groan.

Dad laughs. "Your brother's enemy."

Lucas sighs. "He's a real dick, but Soleil is smart, aren't you, Sol?"

I roll my eyes. "Yes, I am."

"Lucas? Who's your partner?"

Lucas sighs. "Daniel Ross. He makes jokes the whole time, and has the most boring life ever."

I smile, shaking my head.

"Try getting along. Lucas, I want you to do great on this one or im telling coach to bench you for the season."

Lucas nods. "Oui, papa."

I shake my head. Him talking French to dad meant that dad would let him off with warnings.

Its like us speaking French hit a nerve for dad that let us do anything we wanted.

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