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I really really need to learn how to drive.

It'll just make things a hundred times easier. I don't have to drive with Lucas and his grandpa driving, I dont need to beg for money to get an uber or metro.

I know how to drive, I know everything. Except driving on the right lane.

All the last three times I failed my driving test, I was driving on the wrong lane and almost crashed the car. And then- well, i pressed the wrong pedal for breaks.

Id ask Lucas to teach me how to drive but come on? Am I really that dumb?

Id ask my dad but he doesn't have time and I would cry.

And I can't hire someone because id end up on the streets with no food and die being a loner.

Maybe I was bound to never learn driving.

My dream was always to be those hot single women who drive BMWs with their sunglasses on and their chanel bags in the backseat.

Guess not.

I sigh, leaning back against the chair and looking out the window.

Guess where I am?

That's right, detention.

Oh my god, Soleil! How did you get into detention? That's outrageous!

Well, I got into class late. Ask Lucas why, he knows. My first class was History and we were learning about how women was never allowed to work back then because they had to stay home to do chores.

Some guy said that it should stay the same, mostly because women were better workers in the kitchen. That guys should be the one earning money because they were 'stronger', more hardworking and it suited them.

I am one for gender equality, I feel like we should all be treated equally but it didn't sit right with me that men should be working and us women should be cooking food and waiting for the man to arrive. So, I didn't stay quiet.

That sexist teacher of mine gave me detention, and all of the other girls that stood up to the guy. But guess what? The guy didn't get detention.

Isn't that unfair?

I've been to detention once before and it was because Lucas and I kept fighting in class. That's why you never need to have the same class as your siblings.

Now, here I am, sitting at the complete back and looking at the expressions of the teacher as he looks at the computer screen.

My eyes keep going to the parking lot. Its a great view of it and I see everything down there.

Suddenly, someone pulls a chair from next to me and I look up to find West.

"Hey, Sol."

I smile. "Hi, what are you doing in here?"

He shrugs. "I kind of lost count, you?"

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