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I never intended to be swimming with Elias today, but I guess it just happened.

We had gotten out of the lake a while ago and went inside the pool after that, but now it was already dark out and i knew I needed to change out of my bathing suit and get something to drink.

I grabbed my bag from Belle's car and headed inside a bathroom, locking myself in.

I took of the swimsuit and took a short shower, washing off the chlorine from my body and hair.

After that, I slip on a green crotchet bralette and a long white skirt.

Belly chains was an obsession of mine. I was most of the time always wearing cropped shirts, and no outfit of mine would be complete without belly chains.

I let my hair out and fill my piercings holes. Most of my earrings got ruined under water so I had taken them off.

As I was putting rings on, I noticed my mother's necklace wasn't here.

The golden butterfly one. The necklace that was my last memory of her. The only piece of object that made me feel like she wasn't gone.

I hadn't taken it off before swimming and it must've fallen off in the pool.

I can't lose it.

I have to get it back, I can't- i won't be able to survive with that necklace.

I swing the door open, head to Belle's car and put my bag back before heading inside the house, directly to the pool.

I frantically tried to look inside the water but I was no use, there was too many people inside the swimming pool.

I looked around and find Belle and Alvin sitting by the fire. I rushed over to them and they must've noticed my tears.

"Sol, what's wrong?" Belle asks.

I choke out a sob. "My necklace, the one my mom gave me- it must've fallen in the lake or pool because I can't find it."

Belle nods. "Hey, don't worry, we'll find it. Did you check inside your bag?"

I nod. "I did- i looked in the shower, in the pool, the car."

Alvin squeezes my shoulder. "Its okay, don't worry."

I wipe my tears. "I can't lose it."

Belle rushes over to the pool and tries to look for it but fails for the same reason as mine.

Elias meets my eyes, but he instantly looks away.

I'll worry about him and his mood swings later- I need to find my necklace.

Its useless looking inside the lake because its too big and too dark. Ill find absolutely nothing.

Belle must've called Lucas because he finds me and kneels down infront of me.

"Sol, its okay."

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