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The second my eyes open, one thought hits my mind. Its my birthday.

I stare up at the ceiling, thinking about how I am officially an adult. And I want more than anything to go back to being an 8 year old.

Changing from 16 to 17 years old wasn't that big, but 17 to 18? God, it felt like everything about me changed.

My mind was thinking a lot of crazy things.

I am legally allowed to have an identity card, I can buy everything and not have to be nervous, I am at the highest age rating for movies.

I am getting closer to dying.

I've always imagined my 18th birthday party, but it wouldn't turn out how I imagined it to.

My first birthday without my mother. It already seems like its going to be a horrible day.

My head turns towards the clock and I realise its 8AM.

Lucas comes to my mind. I immediately get up, brush my teeth and head to his room, only to find him sitting on his bed staring at the pictures on his nightstand.

Its me, him, mom and dad all together.

"Happy birthday." I grin. His head snaps up as he meets my eyes. He stands up, wraps his arms around me and sighs.

"Happy birthday, Sol."

I pull away. "You didn't tell me what your plans are for today."

"Im spending it with you and dad."

"What a miracle, you're not going out with your friends?" I laugh.

"They'll all be here tonight." He shrugs.

The door swings open and my father walks in. "Happy birthday, kids."

I smile. "Thank you."

"How's 18 looking for you?" Dad asks.

"So cool, you can't ground me and I don't have a curfew." Lucas grins.

"Doesnt matter, let's get you into college first." Dad says.

"Are you going to stay for the party?" I ask.

Lucas and I both invited a lot of our friends here. It won't be nothing big, just cutting cake and having a beer, probably.

The second I see his expression, my face falls. "Im sorry, I can't cancel my nightshift but I have the morning free. We can all go grab breakfast at Al's pancake."

I get ready and we drive to Al's pancake. Every birthday, we'd sit at the same booth and order the same thing.

We find our booth. It was usually Lucas and I next to eachother and my parents together.

I order the chocolate pancakes with strawberries and Lucas orders his waffles.

And right after breakfast, my father leaves us home and goes to work. Lucas and I sit on the living room, deciding who to invite.

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