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Now I was watching her eat. What the hell is wrong with me? When it comes to her, its like I can't focus on anything but her.

Now she's going for my fucking brother and I hated it. I wanted her to know that id never treat her like he does.

I'd never tell her she looks nice, id tell her she looks so much better than nice. Id tell her she's absolutely beautiful, even with makeup, without makeup, half asleep. All the time.

I could be so much better than he could. And I knew that. I never thought I'd deserve her and I don't, I could never deserve her. But I didn't care, all I want is her. I don't deserve her but she deserves better than Mateo, and I could give her that.

Id give her the stars, the moon, the whole damn world if i could.

For days I've been thinking about her but I stopped telling myself to stop. I wanted to think about her. I stopped denying Julian and Daniel's comments because every single word was true.

Maybe I do like her. And maybe she doesn't like me but ill make sure she does.

"This is so crazy." Julian says.

I look at him. "What?"

"Soleil. You seem so...you like her so much, bro. You state at her like you never want to look away."

I didn't.

"And its fucking great." Daniel says.

Julian grins. "Im glad you're finally coming to your senses."

"Stop talking." I mutter, looking back at Soleil who was drinking a cocktail, standing in a bikini. How am I supposed to focus now?

She meets my eyes and gives me a smile before looking away.

"Let's go in the pool, im melting." Daniel mumbles. He doesn't wait for anyone else and jumps in the pool.

"They closed the waterpark, did you hear?" Julian asks.

"Yeah." I mutter and the dickhead pushes me in the pool.

I glare at him, running a hand down my face and watching as Soleil places her glass on the table and heads over to the pool.


Her eyes widen. "Are you crazy?"

"Come on, ill catch you."

"No, you'll let me drown."

"You trust me, don't you?" I ask.

She blinks. "Kinda, maybe."

I smile. "Then, jump."

"Oh, dear, Jesus." She mumbles, backing away.

And then slowly she walks frontward and jumps inside the water.

I contemplated letting her drown, I won't lie, but then I realised that if she dies, I won't be able to see her anymore so I grab her waist and pull her back to the surface of the water.

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