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2 months later 9:00 pm micks pov
i'm watching tv on the couch with fiona drinking beer when ian walked in he took off his jacket and set his bag down grabs a beer and sits down between us he doesn't say anything me and fi just stare at him
|you ok ian?|-fi
i put my arm around him
i'm not ok i let someone die.. again
we were so close to the hospital i couldn't save them it all happened so fast i tried so hard and i couldn't i just couldn't a tear rolls down my cheek mick looks at me
|ian what's wrong|-m
i wipe the tears off my face that are now streaming fiona puts her hand on my face
i get up and walk upstairs catching my shaky breathe fuck why is it so hard when this happens it's like as soon as their life stops their families do to it tears people to pieces watching a life get ripped away from you like having that person one second then not its something i never want to go through and i can't stop thinking what if one day i get a call and it's mickey or carl or fiona anyone or yknow what if i have a call in and i show up to find debs in that women's shoes or kevin what do i do then i have to save them and if i don't it's all my fault their dead and then i have to live with the thought of knowing i killed lip or liam i couldn't do it i never would be able to i lay down and just think of the worst how is that family going to cope and how is she going to be honored. Mira Elizabeth 21 years old long black hair tan petite 3 tattoos she had a few piercings black shoes jeans and a red shirt she was walking to a party with her friends and someone shot her 2 injured one dead. why the fuck did i have to be with her i don't want to deal with this feeling mick walks in with fiona he sits down next to me and rubs my back
|i let her die|-i
|the girl in a drive by we were so close to the hospital and she flatlined|-i
|oh ian|-fi
she sits on the bed
2 weeks later
i'm picking up at work when mickey comes behind me he's drunk like major he's stumbling
|mickey what are you doing here|-i
|i just wanted to see you|-m
|go home|-i
i try grabbing the bottle of fireball from him but he pulls away
|no fuck youuu your always so controlling your just a bitch|-m
a on duty officer walks up to us i try grabbing the bottle again and mickey smashes it on the ground
the officer grabs mickey and my boss walks up
|i said if this happened again your fired this is the third time ian|
|yes i know but i didn't eve-|-i
|he's a danger to this place ian i have to let you go|
|no don't this job is the only thing i have left|-i
|get him in check and we'll talk i really do enjoy you on this team but for now your fired|
the cop has mickey in cuffs i grab my coat
|i'll take him home|-i
the cop uncuffs him and i grab him by his coat im practically dragging him so pissed
|why can't you fucking listen mickey you always fuck shit up for me when i tell you to go home you go the fuck home|-i
i put him in the front seat of the car i get in he's ignoring me
|mickey you need to get a job occupy yourself so you don't keep doing this i don't wanna be taking care of you anymore|-i
he looks away
at home
mickey got out and started walking to the alibi
i hand tommy a drink and look at the door as it opens a stroller and a girl around ian's age walks in
|no babies in the bar|-v
|umm actually about that do you know where ian gallagher is|
|who's asking|-kev
|uhh me|
i look at the stroller it's amelia
|oh my god|-v
mickey walks in i run around the counter and pick her up
|hii lia how are you!|-v
mickey walks up and she smiles reaching towards him
|is that daddy?|-v
i hand her to mick and run to grab my phone i call ian he answers
-yes i know mickey is drunk-
-amelia is here baby she's here!-
he hangs up
lia is in my arms again my beautiful baby girl her mom looks at me weird
|who are you exactly?|
|ians boyfriend|-m
i kiss lias head
|ians gay?!|
ian walks in and runs up to us he takes her and kisses her
|hi baby!|-i
reunited at last but ian's gonna be a prick after they leave

GALLAVICH untitled Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon