he threw the first punch

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i wake up in mickeys arms i check the time it's only 8
|mick wake up|-i
|its 8|-i
|ok that's nice|-m
|im going to the alibi|-i
he sits up
|im kidding i have to get to work|-i
he lays back down i pull him up  i get dressed
|you have 5 minutes|-i
i get my coat on and grab a pop tart mandy walks out of her room
|hey mandy how are you|-i
|good you guys slept since 1|-m
he walks out
|calm down i'm fucking going|-m
i walk out and to the train station
mickey walks close behind me he holds my hand i smile
|if i see that fucking guy i'll kill him|-m
|it's my job to serve him|-i
|yea we'll that's your job at home and here for me so he can suck it|-m
|im gonna go get changed i'll be out on the floor so you won't see much tonight|-i
|alright i love you and don't think i won't beat the shit out of both of you|-m
|love you mickey|-i
i kiss him and walk into the locker room josh someone who's always on the floor is in here
|oh lord is your face okay|-j
|yea my boyfriend and i got into it today|-i
|are you safe at home|-j
|oh yea i'm ok just a misunderstanding|-i
|a misunderstanding that caused you to get punched in the face that bad|-j
|yea it happens sometimes he's a hot head|-i
i walk out onto the floor caleb was sitting in the couch he hands me a 30
|you really wanna risk this|-i
|i already have a black eye how much worse can it get|-c
|he brought a gun so let's move back so he can't see us|-i
i walk to the couches figure might as well waste some time again ned is here i light a cigarette ian walks by
|hey ginger mind giving me a dance|-n
|as long as you know i go home with him|-i
|i'll try to keep it in mind but you can't say no to the red room|-n
i pull up my shirt showing the 22 tucked he puts his hands up ian takes his money and starts i get up and go to the bathroom
i'm back at the bar mickey sits down guys keep trying to talk to him i hand him a beer
|your popular here mick|-i
|im here for you and beer only|-m
|oh come on get to know someone be nice|-i
i walk around and serve everyone then get back to mickey he's still not talking to anyone
|come on mickey we have an hour left|-i
|ginger we got a couple people asking for you so hit the floor|-dale
i nod and walk out from behind the bar
ian's manager walks up to me
|hi mickey is it?|-d
i nod
|we got a complaint that you and ian aren't having the best relationship and you've resorted to violence|-d
|are you saying i hit ian|-m
|yes he showed up with bruises on his face it's protocol we ask what happened|-d
|he's perfectly fine he got in a fight ask him|-m
|we will be talking to him thank you and i hope what you say is true|-d
|yea it's fucking true|-m
i text ian
m:don't tell them i hit you
read 1:10 am
that guy i beat up walks up to me he punches me in the face oh shit
|calm the fuck down remember ian cheated on me with you|-m
he nods
|okay okay|-c
i punch him
i hear yelling from the front of the bar mickey you didn't do this i run to the front mickeys on caleb one after the other straight to the done i lean against the counter dale walks up to me
|do something about this please the bouncers are dealing with someone armed out front|-d
|mickeys not my dog he'll be done give it a second|-i
he keeps going
|i hope you know this will not be tolerated in the future and there will not be a next time|-d
|alright mickey no more|-i
he ignores me i pull him off him i pick him up by his collar
|control your dog ian|-c
i let go of mickey he gets right back on top of him i smile
|i guess he is a dog but a good one|-i
|your shift is over go home|-d
two bouncers pull mickey off caleb they try taking him outside
|he's with me let him go|-i
they let him go he walks to the back with me i change and we walk out caleb's outside he stands up mickey gets in front of me but i push him back
|you uh got a little blood on your cheek|-i
he tries punching me mickey pulls his gun on him i smile and we walk to the L
|what'd he do|-i
|he threw the first punch|-m

GALLAVICH untitled Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon