were done

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2 weeks later
ian gets out in a week i grab amelia svetlana walks in she takes her
|i watch her you and ian need to talk i go with you and you never talk to him|-s
|but he wants to see her|-m
|he will see her tomorrow|-s
i change i don't want to talk to ian i want him to spend time with his daughter
i check in get searched and walk in i sit down wait for ian im nervous for some weird ass reason its just ian the fag i've loved since well i guess 15 he walks out i stand up he walks up to me he's silent but looks good
|where's amelia|-i
|uhh she came down with a fever but i wanted to see you still|-m
|is she ok|-i
|yes she's fine fiona is taking care of her|-m
he nods
|why'd you do it|-m
he stays silent for a few minutes
|mickey i- it's hard to deal with me and it's harder to live with myself|-i
|it's not hard to deal with you and your pills help with that you just don't take them|-m
|mickey it's permanent it's gonna always affect me no matter what pills i'm on i'm always gonn have you on edge about the next thing i do|-i
|ok but i'm already ready for that everytime|-m
|but your not you gave up on me when i drank to much and kissed caleb|-i
|i never gave up on you i made sure you had your pills and that you were ok|-m
|but you didn't talk to me i need emotional support i don't only need pills i mean yea they make me feel better but they don't rid me of human needs|-i
|i know ok but i needed a break i never stopped loving you i cant your apart of me i can't fucking get you out of my mind i never can and probably never will be able to|-m
|im going to be here a lot longer than one more week so i suggest you forget me now other than waiting on me for another month|-i
|i want to stay here i'm not ready i don't feel ok i still don't want to be alive i still want to get a buzz off anything i'll just become frank and monica if i get out now|-i
|so i'll fucking take you to a fucking therapist i'll keep an eye on you i'm gonna wait no matter how long it is your in here|-m
|dont mickey i want you to be happy not stuck i never want you to feel like your stuck with me|i
|is this you dumping me|-m
|i guess it is just give amelia to her mom or something cause i don't know how much i can take of anything|-i
|no i'm not letting you give up on her|-m
|we're done i'm done mickey|-i
he walks away and i walk out i drive to the alibi i get in sit down everyone's staring at me
|get me a shot and keep 'em coming|-m
|what happened mickey|-v
|ian gave up|-m
|on what|-v
|me the baby himself he's staying another month and told me to move on|-m
|it's only been 2 weeks maybe he'll change his mind so don't be so down|-kev
|i think he's serious this was all him|-m
|so what do you do now|-v
|get drunk do something stupid let it sink in|m
|have you been with anybody else since he got in there|-kev
|no it's just wake up see him get home take care of lia go to bed repeat|-m
|well maybe just take some time for yourself|-k
|and do what go back to how i was before ian terrorize everyone make people hate me|-m
|hunny you still do that|-v
|i dont know i might just go talk to fiona|-m
|this one's on me i want you to go confide in fi|-v
i walk out and straight to the house i walk in fiona's on the couch with sean
|he gave up|-m
|what who|-f
|ian he gave up on me and lia and himself|-m
|what do you mean|-f
|i just saw him alone like just me and he fucking said he didn't want me or lia and that he's staying another month because he wants to do drugs or some shit|-m
my minds spinning i can't breathe
|mickey you ok|-lip
|no i'm not fucking ok|-m
|want me to talk to him|-f
svetlana walks in
|fuck my life|-m
|mickey you are supposed to be with ginger|-s
|i was i fucking was but he's done|-m
|i go to him|-s

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