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1st period
the teacher just letting people talk some guy walks up to me
|mickey and ian never thought that would happen|
|what would happen|-m
|you two being friends|
|we're not|-m
mandy looks at me
|your talking|
|i have no one else to talk to|-m
|mickey you wonder why all this shit went down earlier|-mandy
ian looks down at his hands and starts picking at them i grab one hand and put it on the desk
|he lives with me we have to be friends|-m
|not even close mickey|-i
|we'll just checking in|
he walks away i turn to ian i put a hand on his knee mandy glares at me
|im trying mandy|-m
|try harder|-mandy
ian pushes my hand off and starts texting someone he k owns i can see it
i:hey you ok sorry about mickey
c:im good but you gotta get him under control
i:lol i know
i grab his phone and put it in my pocket im trying not to go off on him
|mandy what are you doing after school|-i
|work like usual|-ma
|i'll stop bye before my shift|-i
|no he won't|-mi
|i will then go home see how everyone is|-i
|ian i gotta watch you|-m
the bell rings mandy and ian walk out together straight to second period i sit next to ian
|nice to see you mickey|-teacher
|i know it's a blessing|-m
again people go to talking to each other ian's doing an essay
|hey mickey what's up with ian|
|how the fuck should i know|-m
he laughs fuck i forgot his pills i text collin
m:bring me ian's pills
c:where are you
m:school say they're for ian and make sure he takes them they're on my bed
c:k all three of them
|collins bringing you your stuff|-m
|look who remembered|-i
|svet distracted me with irina|-m
|mhm cause it's not like you make sure first thing everyday|-i
the guy next to me i think his names jake taps on my shoulder i look at him
|what's he talking about|-j
|oh his keys he left them at his house|-m
|oh you friends with him|-j
|yea we hang out sometimes|-m
ian looks at me i shrug why am i like this
|oh tonight i'm going alone i've been doing good lately so|-i
|no your not ian|-m
|ian and mickey down to the office leave your stuff it'll only be a minute|-teacher
we get up and walk down to the office collin hands me his pills i grab one of each and hand him water i watch him take them then collin walks away i hand ian his phone
|you text him again i'll rip both of your dicks off and shove them down your throat|-m
|say one more fucking thing about how we're friends i'll slit your throat|-i
i smile
|that's my boy|-m
i kiss his cheek and we walk back to class
last period
i sit down with ian he still texting caleb
|did you not fucking hear me|-m
|i did and did you hear me|-i
he fakes slitting his throat
|not a good fight yours is worse|-m
|yours is worse you did it last time look how that turned out|-i
mandy sits down next to us
|are you guys still arguing|-ma
|no i'm blowing his brains out when we get home|-i
he pulls out a pop tart and hands me the second one
|mickey are you still keeping it up|-ma
me and ian nod
|he's gonna blow something|-mi
|see i don't get it|-i
|it's true no reason to lie|-mi
|you guys are gay no reason to lie|-ma
|im not lying look where i work it's all mick|-i
|im there every night|-mi
|not a good argument you have to be there|-ma
jack sits down next to me
|what are you guys talking about|-j
ian and mandy look at me
|i dont know what are we talking about mick|-i
|we're talking about ian and mickey|-ma
|what about them|-j
|the amazing chemistry|-ma
|like best friends|-j
|oh we're great friends|-i
|they are super close like extremely|-ma
|yea we're basically attached at the hip|-i
|mickey you said-|-j
|im well aware of what i said but i may have lied|-mi
|being friends and best friends isn't lying|-j
|your really dumb jake|-ma
|this is your only chance mickey we have 5 minutes you got this im cheering you on from your bed|-i
mandy and ian laugh
|hey mickey remember the other morning when i met irina what were you and ian doing|
|ohh yea i remember that's when mickey met caleb then we had slept in but i can't remember what happened before we fell asleep|-i
|ian mandy shut the fuck up|-mi
the bell rings
|he's my boyfriend he's just shy|-i
me mandy and ian walk out
|you guys are dicks|-m
|hey would you rather get blown or your brains blown out|-i

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