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(this story is not even close to how the new characters are introduced over time and why so sammi has always kinda been around since the story started)
the door slams downstairs i figure it's just someone random but mandy still gets in my bed and good thing mickey walks in
|get the fuck out of his bed and never go through my room again|-m
mandy gets up and mickey lays down i look at his pocket i pull out two pictures one of me and one of mickey and i
|whats this|-i
he takes them back
|dont touch my shit both of you|-m
|you mean both of you don't touch MY shit my shirt my pictures|-i
|all three in my room automatically my property|-m
|shirt was left in your room i'll give you that picture of me in my locker picture of us o think i purposely put that in your room|-i
|shut the fuck up before i punch you in the face my shirt my pictures don't take my shit|-m
fiona walks in
|i can't keep you milkoviches out can i|-f
|no but you can keep terry out|-mandy
|and my wife bitch drives me crazy "you can't leave me" "you kiss red head boy i kill you" "it's your baby"|-m
|how was work ian|-f
|good i guess|-i
|he gave me free shots|-m
|you went to a club mickey|-lip
|no i went to the alibi|-m
|don't tell kev|-i
|oh i'm telling v she'll kill you|-f
|mickey was distracting me and i forgot to charge him|-i
v walks in
|forgot to charge who cause i heard kev gave you a job|-v
|take it out of my check i wasn't paying attention mickey wouldn't shut the fuck up he had 4 shots and 3 beers|-i
|don't let it happen again|-v
mickey pulls out 20 bucks and hands it to v
|5 for each shot 10 for each beer|-v
|take the 30 out of my check|-i
|i'll get the money from svetlana don't take it out of his pocket|-m
|oh look at that caring boyfriend i need the money tomorrow|-v
mickey flips her off
|you better watch it white boy|-v
|my bad i'll do it respectfully next time|-m
|mickey go to bed or leave|-i
carl walks in and glares at mandy and mickey
|why are you guys here|-c
|i yelled at a pregnant lady and i'll probably die when i get home|-m
|we're leaving to go home-mandy
mandy and lip get down from the bed
|i want my shirt back|-m
|it's mine|-i
|it ours|-m
mandy takes it off carl stares at her she throws it at me and puts one of lips on
|is your name mickey|-c
|yes go to bed|-m
|no it's not|-c
|then why did you ask|-m
his voice is muffled i look behind me he has his head in my pillow
|isn't it like mikali|-c
debbie walks in
|will you come drag frank into the living room he's on the stairs|-d
i get up and walk downstairs he's literally laying vertical on the stairs i push him in the head with my foot
i nudge him and he rolls down the stairs oops i didn't mean to do that i drag him under the stairs and walk back into my room carl and mickey are arguing
|shut up go to bed|-i
i get in bed and fall asleep
i wake up to the door being opened downstairs i get up trying not to wake up ian i walk downstairs i grab the bat i hear coughing i walk to the sound i hear footsteps coming from behind me it's debbie i whisper
|go back to bed|-m
i walk into the living room it's a girl i turn the lights on
|who the fuck are you|-m
|who are you|-s
|i asked you first|-m
|sammi franks kid|-s
i put the bat down
|mickey i uh- yea no why are you here|-m
|its 6am why are you here|-s
ian walks down and stares at us both
|dont just stare do i hit her or not|-m
|i dont fucking know|-i
|don't hit me please|-s
i kick frank in the stomach he doesn't wake up
|uhh leave|-m
i look at ian and he shrugs
|i can't my kids in the car we have no where to go|-s
|you guys don't lock the doors|-m
|we do i didn't check when i dragged frank over here|-i
|look can we just come in|-s
|you already are in here|-m
debbie walks down and stares
|debbie i told you to go to bed|-m
|i have to get ready for school|-d
|it's saturday|-i
|i'll answer that question when fiona wakes up|-m
she sighs and walks out i lock the door behind her i walk back up with ian and debbie
holy shit holy shit what the fuck i about shit my pants thank god mickey handled that

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