you left for a beer

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i wait for ian to walk upstairs and i sit down with mickey
|what was that about|-lip
|nothing he's just being ian|-m
|he is just being ian cause he cares mickey he cares a lot and your being me right now i thought no one could help me and being a drunk was it for me|-l
|im not a drunk|-m
|no but you are i mean your one night from waking up on a bench not knowing where the fuck your at and i'm not saying stop drinking completely but i want you to got to an AA meeting with me|-l
|im not going|-m
|if you care and i mean truly care about ian you'll go and just listen to what those people put their families through|-l
|i'll think about it|-m
|thank you now go apologize|-l
i walk upstairs and lay down with ian he puts a headphone in my ear i look at him
|your gonna need it real soon just go to sleep|-i
i shrug
micks asleep and i'm talking to liam about school when carl and kassidi walk in i roll my eyes and put my headphone in so does liam i turn my light off and roll over facing mick i run my fingers through his hair and he moves closer to me he really can piss me off but i can't stay mad at his pretty face ever no matter how hard i try
i wake up and get changed i am in a great mood i just feel energized mickey is still asleep
|mickey wake up|-i
he groans and rolls over i walk downstairs kassidi hands me a plate of food and i sit down with it not gonna deny food carl glares at me and i salute him mick walks downstairs i put my jacket on and hand mickey my plate
|i gotta get to work|-i
i kiss him and walk out
i sit down and kassidi sits next to me i move closer to franny
|morning fran what's up|-m
|mickey there's a meeting tonight you should go with me|-lip
|can't i have to pick up lia in a hour|-m
|ian got custody|-debs
|no but i talked to her mom and asked for lia until monday and she said yes but ian doesn't know|-m
|ok we'll monday night then|-lip
|i'll try to be there|-m
|who has handcuffs?|-liam
|in ian's jacket by the door but he has the keys in his work jacket|-m
|works for me|-l
|why does ian  have handcuffs in his jacket?|-kassidi
|mickey drinks and gets handcuffed to bars a lot|-lip
i nod
i pull into the parking lot waiting for jamie i get a call from ian
-hey im kinda busy right now-
-you sober-
-yes i'm sober ian-
-ok i'll see you at 8-
i hang up and get out of the car jamie pulls up and gets out
|hey mickey tell ian to call me when i can pick her up|-j
she takes lia out and hands her to me i smile i have my baby girl
|hi amelia|-m
she hands me her bag and says goodbye
i'm packing up the ambulance and checking product sue walks up to me
|why don't you go up front|-s
she seems happy
|uhh ok|-i
|take as much time as you need i'll do this|s
i walk up front and mickey is standing smiling with lia
|mickey how did you get her|-i
i take her from him
|we have her for the weekend|-m
|thank you mick|-i
he shrugs and kisses me
i walk back into the garage sue looks at me
|you guys broke up?|-s
|it was a surprise he's just being nice|-i
|by getting you your kid back|-s
|sounds like he's trying to get you back|-s
|nope that's not mickey|-i
i'm sitting in the living room watching cartoons with kassidi and amelia waiting for ian to get home it's been an hour mickey said he was grabbing a quick drink i grab a beer and ian walks in i sit down ian grabs lia
|where's mickey|-i
|he said he was grabbing a quick drink an hour ago|-c
i put lia back down
|i'll be right back and 20$ sound good|-i
|it's fine it's only an hour|-c
i tun out and drive to the alibi i walk in to find mickey great
|you left lia with carl to fucking drink|-i
|calm down i'm just talking to kev and drinking a couple beers|-m
|you left out daughter we get for one weekend for beer|-i
|ian calm the fuck down|-m
|your a piece of shit fuck you|-i
ian walks out i look at v
|don't look at me|-v
|would've been nice if you told me to go home when i walked in|-m
|your a grown ass man with your own mind maybe use it|-v
|ians gonna be pissed all weekend|-m
|your more worried that ian's mad about something you could've prevented instead of feeling bad about ditching your kid for a beer|-v
i get up pay and leave

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