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3 days later
i'm fine now monica's death is actually a good thing nothing can go wrong now i'm just sitting here watching the sunset by myself on the rooftop of an old building downing some jack daniels smoking a cigarette enjoying life it's perfect i get a call from mickey and ignore it no time for distraction i'm taking in the fresh winter air the snow falls on my skin
4 hours later
the sky it's so bright and beautiful mickey calls again i ignore it then lip calls then fiona even svet i keep ignoring them i don't need anybody and besides it's only 1 am im perfectly fine they know that
5 hours later
the sun is rising 6 am i'm watching the cars get to work and the kids walk to school a cat walks up to me i pet it
|hi little kitty you enjoying the view|
it meows i laugh
|i know what you mean|
mickey calls me i ignore it once again that's the 15th time i throw it down by a chair
|i wish i was a cat no one wonders where you go when you have a good time and you have no responsibility|
i get up but slip i pull myself on the ledge
|that was close haha|
i pet the cat once more then make my way back home i'm walking and walking until i see another cat
|hey hey hey little kitty!|
it meows
|you guys are talking to me i know it|
i pet the cat and walk on till i get to the alibi mickey calls me again i ignore it and shut my phone off i walk into the house mickeys sitting at the counter he looks stressed i wonder what happened
|ian where the fuck have you been|-m
|just out|-i
|out where i looked everywhere|-m
|calm down i just needed some me time|-i
|if you need some space you tell people where your going not leave at 6 fucking pm not telling anyone|-m
|mick i'm fine i was just hanging out oh i'm thinking about getting a cat they talked to me i saw 2 one on the ledge and one ohh i also almost fell of a 6 story building but i think like the cats powers saved me well not powers-|-i
|IAN shut the fuck up go get your kid from kevin and veronica's and get your shit packed|
|you and me need space cause what the fuck i mean what the fuck who does that|-m
|does what mickey|-i
|who thinks they are ok and stable after saying they can talk to cats then almost fell off 6 story building|-m
|mickey i'm fine i promise i just wanted to watch the sunset and rise|-i
|leave before i fuck you up i can't believe i lost sleep over your ass|-m
|mick. i-|-i
|ian leave|-m
i walk out and slam the door fucking dick wanna talk shit i was just having a good time bitch hasn't heard of that he's so uptight he's a pussy can't live for anything
i walk into my room and slam the door i grab one of ian's suitcases i grab all of lias stuff and throw it in the suitcase then ian's i take all of their shit and put it on the porch mandy comes home
|where the fuck were you|-mi
|at my boyfriends why|-ma
|well for starters i could've used the help to find the lunatic and why didn't you text me|-mi
|im a grown ass adult and who is lunatic|-ma
she looks at the stuff piled by the door
|why are you throwing ians shit out|-ma
|cause that's the lunatic i'm done with him he wants to keep me up all fucking night while he's off talking to goddamn cats and falling off 6 story buildings|-mi
|what! what is going on mickey|-ma
|he's crazy and i'm not picking up after him anymore|-ma
i'm throwing shit around she grabs my arm
|take his stuff back into your room and you put it back how he left it you promised you wouldn't give up on him and your not doing it over one small fucking thing|-ma
|it's not small it's never small it's always ian did this ian did that well what about me no one ever asks about me i always hear how ian what happened with ian IM NOT FUCKING OKAY MANDY i want to blow the heads off everyone i want to kill myself i wanna shoot up a gas station just for the fucking fun of it ok i'm crazy mandy when i look at ian i just want to hurt him it's just the way i am|-mi
|nobody told me how relationships go dad never did that shit look at me and svet forced to marry her you and lip frank and monica hell me and ian i don't know how it works|-mi
|he doesn't either he just knows he loves you and you love him so tell him what's on your mind tell him how you feel and he'll do the same set your boundaries you don't wanna do something tell him make him comfortable to do the same so you both get what you want|-m
|ok fine i'll try he gets one shot|-mi
|no mickey you gotta try too not just him|-ma
|yea whatever|-mi
IANS POV 6 hours later
it's 12 i'm sitting on the porch smoking mickey walks up and opens the gate
|come home i'm sorry about what i said|-m
|no ian just come home we can talk later|-mi
i stand up and walk up to him he hugs me and kisses me we walk home

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