excuse you?

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ian gets out of the shower i put the plate on the counter and get ian his meds he eats and we get to the alibi
i feel like shit i'm drained but i gotta do this for mick anything for him
|IAN what's up dude heard you weren't feeling well|-k
i shrug he poors two beers and we sit down
|we had the twins gemma and amy two healthy baby girls|-k
i nod
|that's great kev svetlana just had hers|-m
|oh what's her name|-k
|doesnt have one we're getting rid of her svetlana says she can't do it with her buisness|
|oh man i'm sorry|-k
|its fine i mean i gotta leave with e every night and it just won't work out|-m
he puts his arm around me
|how's it going ian your looking off|-kermit
|i feel like shit and got beat up by terry|-i
|geez what's you do|-kev
i look at mickey he nods
|im gay what else would terry beat me up for|-i
|howd he find out|-kev
|me and him live together and sleep in the same bed|-mick
|your gay|-kermit
|yea what about it|-m
i smile no way he just said that
|you just came out dude|-kev
he nods and smiles taking a sip of his beer he kisses my forehead
|that deserves a shot man|-kev
v walks in with the twins she walks up to me
|hi baby how are you feeling|-v
she wipes the hair out of my face
|im doing ok|-i
i sit up and v hands me a baby she's precious
|that's gemma and this is amy|-v
|she's cute huh|-kev
svetlana walks in with her baby mickey rolls his eyes behind her is her girlfriend ella (i forgor her real name)
|we are going to ella's house we take baby and be back soon|-s
|and i care why?|-m
|ginger boy love you good bye|-s
i don't answer that was weird she hates me right i think she does when we leave i wanna go back to bed anything but be here mickey can see it on my face i  hand gemma back to v and get up i walk to the bathroom i either get shitfaced or go to bed
|what's up with him|-kev
|i dont know but we slept on the couch last night cause that's as far as he'd go|-m
|shit you need any help|-k
|no but i'm gonna go talk to him|-m
i get up and walk into the bathroom ian's leaning on the counter lighting a cigarette i walk up to him
|what's going on|-m
he doesn't answer i take the cigarette mandy walks in she looks pissed
|lady's room is across the way|-m
|what the fuck ian|-mandy
|what'd i do|-i
she grabs his arm and takes him out of the bathroom i shrug and continue on with my beautiful little cigarette
|your talking to another guy with mickey?|-m
|i am?|-i
|yea what about him|-i
caleb.. i've been talking to him for awhile at work i guess we're good friends he buys a dance and for the red room everytime i'm working we text sometimes
|did you not here what mickey said this morning ian|-m
|no i was asleep|-i
|he loves you mickey beyond words|-m
|look caleb is a regular at work we're friends and sometimes text not as bad as marrying someone while dating me|-i
|he came to the house he said you needed him and that you weren't in a good place you wanted to see him all while mickey is worrying about you trying to get you out of that dark fucking room|-m
|look i don't know what i was saying and mickey doesn't care about me|-i
|oh my god you both are so stupid he dragged you to the couch to be close to you ian he made you breakfast he did it all and you still treat him like this?|-m
she walks off just as soon as caleb walks in i walk back into the bathroom i pull mickey out back to the bar
|kevin get me a shot|-i
|got it|-k
caleb walks up to me kev hands me the shot i down it straight faced im so fucking fucked you don't even know
|hey ian how are you?|-c
|im doing great|-i
|who the fuck are you|-m
|you texted me last night seemed urgent i stopped by but some girl slammed the door in my face|-c
|yea that was mandy she's got a temper but no im alright|-i
|well you gonna be at work tonight i'd love to see you|-c
fuck fuck fuckity fuck i look at mickey he's pissed the fuck off
|hey listen to me who are you|-m
|im ian's boyfriend|-c
i run out the door not looking behind me
|the fuck did you just say|-m
|hey sorry to interrupt but uh sir whatever your name is this is mickey and i suggest you follow ian and run faster than him|-kev
|no no no i'm gonna beat the fuck out of you right now then ian better fucking get out of town before i kill him|-m
|look i don't want any trouble|-c
i pull out my gun and he runs i take a shot throw down a 20 and follow behind
|lord i hope that boy can run cause mickey sure can|-v

GALLAVICH untitled Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя