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Dream kept thinking about George, it was like a broken record player playing in loop in his head. He had no idea how he could even go back to normal because his normal was George since 2016. Nothing would feel the same again, nothing would compare to how much he cherished George, so he was stuck on what to do.

He could leave another text, but he didn't want to seem pushy or needy in these circumstances, but he also felt like he shouldn't just wait because he needed to show George he hadn't gave up on him or anything.

As Dream was thinking about his plans for visiting George, the doorbell rang. It was confusing a bit as Sapnap had gone out and took his keys with him, so it left Dream wondering what he might've ordered in the past few days. He quickly walked downstairs and tried to see who it was through the frosted glass. They were wearing a uniform of some sort, so he opened it.

There were a few people carrying 3 cardboard boxes over and Dream nearly cried at the sight of it. He didn't know what to do as he didn't know if George wanted to move in or not still. It wouldn't be a good idea to just tell them to take it back, he wasn't sure if it even worked like that, so he let them out it all in the front porch by the steps.

His mind went black like a fresh piece of slate before the chalk came to scribble all over it. Dream could barely make out what the people were saying, he just spaced out and signed whatever without even thinking about it.

It wasn't a terrible thing or anything as it might be a good excuse to talk to George, but it would be extremely hurtful for both of them as George would have to make a decision to stay or leave. He couldn't just ghost Dream anymore as he had his stuff, so it would just be a waiting game.

After watching one more cardboard box come over, he left it in the porch as he lived in a secluded area anyways, and went straight in the house and up the stairs, thinking about what to say to George. He thought about how he was even going to start.

He wanted to seem friendly, but he didn't even know if George wanted to be friends anymore. Normally people would be okay with staying friends after a confession, and that's what Dream hoped for, but of course things just didn't go his way.

Nothing made sense, everything he tried to think of just drove him into a dead end. George's package was here yet he had no idea if George was going to come home or not, it was a horrible situation that he didn't even think about before, despite overthinking for days.

He walked over to his office chair and sat down, swaying side to side as his eyes locked on the phone resting on the desk. He was waiting for something, a call, text or just something from George as he would've been notified his package arrived.
Dream thought he would call and ask it to be sent back, but he realized George could probably just buy those things again.

Setting aside the thousands of thoughts telling him not to, he grabbed his phone and clicked on George's contact, trying to focus on his breathing patterns so he wouldn't forget to breathe. For some reason he always ended up holding his breath and forgetting how to breathe in tense situations.

It was tempting to send a paragraph with an apology, but he didn't.

your stuff arrived, do you want me to send it back?

He typed, but realized George might have not even thought about staying in the UK, so he tried something else. He hoped that George just missed his flight because he forgot due to stress, but he knew George wouldn't have forgotten the date.

your stuff arrived

He kept it plain and simple, if he stared at it any longer he knew he would end up sending a paragraph about how sorry he was and how much he wanted to talk it out. Nothing was stopping him from doing that except himself, and Dream wished there was more stopping him because it was extremely tempting.

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