What to do

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Dream didn't know what to do.

There wasn't much he could do as there was a whole ocean separating them from each other. He was waiting for George to call back like he said he would, but deep down Dream secretly knew he wouldn't call back. He tried to have some faith in George to have the decency to call back, but it was impossible to.

Dream wanted to just stay curled up into a ball in bed forever. He didn't want to leave his bed and he certainly didn't want to talk to Sapnap because he would ask what's wrong. It hurt enough basically getting rejected and he knew it would hurt even more trying to explain it to Sapnap.

Dream was clutching into his phone with one hand as he waited for a notification he knew wouldn't come. He was really really trying to believe George would call him back but he just couldn't, he was forcing himself to wait for absolutely nothing.

Dream sighed and slammed his phone down on the nightstand, knowing he wouldn't get the notification. He didn't want to waste his time waiting for George to call him.

A small part of him told him to just call him or message him but the other part of him was just telling him to do something else. Dream loved George and not just in a romantic way, he loved him as a best friend and that wouldn't change, it was the romantic feelings that changed everything.

"Dream, are you in there?" Said a voice from the outside his room while knocking on his bedroom door. Dream groaned and pulled the duvet over him, not wanting to get out of bed. He wanted to stay there and wait for George to call him, he would lay there all month if he had to.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the store with me because- Are you okay?" Sapnap cut himself off as he noticed Dream looked awfully upset. 

"No." Dream mumbled, fighting the urge to just break down. He had stayed up all night waiting for George to call back, well, mostly thinking about the consequences to the confession, and he hadn't gotten a wink of sleep.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Sapnap asked, walking over to the bed to sit next to Dream, who didn't bother lifting the duvet off himself. He just wanted to lay there, no emotions, no thoughts, not anything, he just wanted to lay there and wait for today to be over.

"No." He repeated the same answer as before with a sigh at the end. Dream felt miserable, he normally liked going shopping with Sapnap but this feeling of sadness that washed over him was preventing him from going.

"Okay, well there isn't much I can do if you won't tell me what's wrong. I'm gonna go to the store, do you want anything?"

"No, thanks though." Dream forced a smile despite it being obvious he was still upset. He appreciated Sapnap's efforts of checking up on him, it was such a small thing but it meant a lot.

"Okay, just don't let whatever it is get to you, alright?" Sapnap picked Patches up and laid her down next to Dream, who started petting her. Patches spun around in a circle and curled into a ball next to Dream.

"Thank you." Dream muttered, not really knowing what else to say. He knew if he said anything more he would slip up about last night's incident so he just waited for Sapnap to say something.

"Are you gonna be alright on your own? Or do you want me to stay?" Sapnap asked, about to stand up but Dream grabbed his sleeve before he could walk away. He sat up and thought of something to say to avoid answering.

"Has George called?" Dream changed the subject. He really wanted Sapnap to stay, he wanted anyone to be with him really because he felt hurt. He hated being alone when he felt hurt, especially when no one was available to talk to.

"No, why?" This was the part where Dream started to panic. He told himself he would accidentally slip up about it and he was extremely close to doing so. He knew he had choose his next worst very carefully or Sapnap might catch on.

"He told me he'd call me back but he hasn't yet." Technically, he wasn't lying so if Sapnap ever did find out and accuse him of lying, it'll be a good excuse.

"I'm sure he will, don't worry." Sapnap said, oblivious to what had happened the previous night before with his two best friends. Dream looked away as Sapnap left to room to stop himself from getting even more upset. He stared at the desk, reminding himself of how horrible the call went. Dream was worrying, he was starting to jump to a thousand conclusions at once.

Dream grabbed his phone and checked to see if George had called him or texted him just in case he had somehow missed the notification. Dream went through George's do not disturb, so if Dream left him a text he was bound to see it, though it seemed a little soon.

Maybe George would call him back and he just needed some time to think about it all. Dream was trying to reassure himself but he knew George wasn't going to call back.

George was fully aware it wasn't some silly prank, Dream's voice was laced with genuineness and it was impossible not to hear it. Dream knew he wanted to date George, he knew he loved him from the bottom of his heart to the very top of it, but he was slowly breaking it to himself that George didn't feel the same way.

Dream knew he had to text George at some point. Now wasn't the time and he knew it, he needed to give George some space beforehand.

Dream decided to just catch up on the sleep he hadn't got last night, maybe George would call him during his nap, or at least even leave a text. Dream was willing to have any sort of interaction with George at this point.

He missed George and it hadn't even been that long.

1031 words

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