Chapter 20: The Meeting With The King

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Ramsbury's POV



(sound of dripping)

His Majesty summoned me to the palace and requested that I go to the princess because she was unable to leave her room due to her distress. I hastily entered her room and discovered her sitting on the floor, holding a knife in her bleeding hand.

Despite the fact that it's not new to me, I am still worried since she is the princess of the Chrolexia Kingdom. She frequently injures herself as a result of her anger. It is concerning, and what if she makes an attempt at suicide?

I hurried to the closet where she keeps her first aid supplies. I knelt down and went over to her to bandage her wound.

"Why are you doing this to yourself? Look at how much blood is dripping from your hand."

"Don't mind me,"

"Why do you like hurting your precious self? It's saddening. I advise you to refrain from hurting yourself, princess. Please, I beg of you." I completely covered the wound and stopped the bleeding. She raised her head and stared at me.

"Sir Ramsbury, do you like her?" she randomly asked. I'm not sure who she's referring to; I should ask her if my instinct is correct.

"Pardon, princess, may I know to whom you are referring?"

I notice that her eyebrows twitch, a sign of irritation. Why would she be irritated?

"Estelle Mullens. Do you like her?"

I can hear a slight bitterness in her tone; indeed, she doesn't like Lady Mullens. I should be careful with my reply, or else she'll do crazy things again.

"She's a nice lady." I made it look like I wasn't interested in lessening her worry, but the truth is I like Lady Mullens. A woman like her is too great to hate.

"Then why are you following her like a puppy with a leash?"

Did I? Do I look like it? I was just looking at her from afar. I'm too shy to approach her; she's too amazing for me.

"What? I am not, princess. You are my dear princess whom I should follow and protect. You misunderstood."

"Liar. All of you are liars!" She pushed me and went into her bed while covering herself with a blanket.


*knock* *knock*

The door was slightly open, and her personal maid, Lea, came in. She bowed and greeted us.

"Princess, my Lord."

"What do you want?" the princess asked with a disrespectful tone.

"Princess, your presence is needed at the palace hall. You as well, my Lord," Lea said with respect, bowing again before leaving the room.

"Tsk. That old mongrel! What is it this time?"

"Princess, watch your language; you're speaking to the King of Chrolexia."

"I don't care! You can all cut my neck for disrespecting the King. The bloody hell I care!"

"Princess, you better prepare yourself. I'll escort you to the palace hall.

"I shall excuse myself then."

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