Chapter 54

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                                   Pixelle's POV
Felix walked into to room.

"How is he?"

"He's sleeping. I'm gonna shower. Keep an eye on him please."

He went to shower and I heard sneezing and coughing. I got up and went to Bolt's room. I opened the door.

Bolt's nose was buried into a tissue. I walked up to him. I wiped his nose with the tissue. I gave him his medicine then stayed with him for a while.

I did my best to distract him. He wasn't the happy little boy he normally is.

Myla: You shouldn't be this close to him. You and the baby could get sick.

"Lixie asked me to watch him. It's only until, he gets out of the shower."

I checked his diaper then changed it. Felix walked up to me.

"How is he?"

"Not good. I feel so bad. He's so sad. I gave him his medicine not even an hour ago. I-I should've waited but...he couldn't stop coughing and sneezing. I know you're exhausted and probably don't want to but...can you run and get him a humidifier? I can always go but I'm not sure how heavy it is."

"I was just thinking about that. I was more concerned about getting him in bed. I gonna go through the paperwork from the hospital and see if there's anything else, I should get. How are you? Do you feel sick at all?"

"No. I'm actually fine. Don't worry about me at the moment. Bolt is the main priority. Put him first. I'll go around and disinfect everything. Take Lia with you. She should spend time with you. I'll be fine on my own. If she wants a toy...get her a toy."

"I'm doing this all wrong."

"What does that mean?"

"I'm focusing on Bolt more then Nova."

"Don't do that to yourself. The other day was a big deal. It was his first birthday party. Novey loved helping out. She helped picked the decorations and even the theme."


"Mhm. Take her with you. She'll love spending the time with you. Especially since it has something to do with her cousin. They're best friends."

"Yeah. You're right. Don't over do it."

"I won't, love. Don't worry. Nova should be waking up now."

They left and I went around disinfecting everything. They came back then Buckley went and set up the humidifier. Novalia walked up to me.

"Hi Aunt Pixie!"

"Hey! Let's try to be quiet. Bolt still doesn't feel good."

Bolt slowly got better. His energy took a while to come back. A few day after the baby was born, Malcom came over saying he had something to talk to me and Felix about. We went into his office. He shut the door. Felix wasn't playing attention. He was too busy focusing on our daughter.

"You're both gonna kill me for this. Son?"

"Buck, are you listening?"

I took Axella away from him.


"Your dad is talking to you."


"One more mission."

I knew this would happen!


I walked away with my head down.

"Daddy's leaving again."


Felix ran in front of me.

"Just...don't get hurt."

"I-I didn't even agree to anything."

"I know you. You're gonna agree."

"I'm not. I promised, no more a-and I meant it. No more. I'm done with missions."

"But your dad...he'll get mad."

"Fuck him."

Did he just...

"He'll learn to get over it. You and the little ones are my everything. I mean it."

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