Chapter 25

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     Felix's POV
"Uncle Felix? Uncle Lixie? Hellooooo! Can we go the aquarium?!"

I opened my eyes and saw Novalia sitting on me.


"I just saw a thingy on the tv about an aquarium!"

"You saw a commercial for an aquarium?"

"Mhm! Can we go?! Pleaseeeeeee?!"

" my cousin gone?"

"Mhm! We slept until the next day!"

"Wow. No wonder, you're hyper."

She sat up and started jumping on the bed.

"Come on! Please!"

"Woah! Sit down. You'll get hurt like that."

She plopped down. I sat up.

"Did you ask your aunt?"

"No. I wanted to ask you first. Please??? It's my birthday! I mean it! Ask pop pop!"

"Okay. Okay. Here. If you're being honest about it being your birthday, I'll take you out to eat somewhere before or after we go to the aquarium. Orrr...we can go to the aquarium tomorrow and I'll take you to the toy store and let you pick out your presents."

Her face lit up.

"I can get more than one thing?! Y-you mean it?!"

"Yes, sunshine. I mean it."


" you remember how to clean your earrings?"

"I put the thingy on a cotton swab and just make a circle?"


We stood up and I went to find my dad. I found him making coffee.

"Hey dad? Is it Nova's birthday or is she just messing around with me?"

"No. It's today. Did she say something?"


"Okay. Let her do what she wants."

"Yeah...I kinda already told her...I would."

"What is it?"

I explained the idea.

"Yep. You're gonna have a fun and long day. Take her for a little daddy/daughter date."

"She's not my daughter though."

"So? Your brother wasn't there for her. The way I see're the only father figure to her."

"I uh...didn't think of that. I'm gonna get ready."

I walked away and Novalia ran up to me.

"Did you ask?"

"Yes. Happy birthday. Where are we going?"

"Oh uh...I got excited...I didn't think. I'm sorry."

I chuckled.

"It's fine. Don't worry. Are you ready yet?"

"No. I didn't want to get ready in changed your mind."

"Aww. It's fine. Let's go get ready and you can think while you do that. Okay?"


"Make sure, you brush your teeth well. You had a lotta sugary things yesterday."


She took off running.



I walked to my room and saw Pixelle walking out of the bathroom.

"Why did I just hear her running?"

I shut the door.

"She's excited that....I'm taking her somewhere for her birthday."

"It's her birthday?! We didn't know?! I feel horrible!"

"Me too. I didn't believe her until, my her and my dad said something."

I went around the room and started getting ready.

"You can join if you want."

"Nah. I'll be okay here. I can just hangout with your mom. Oh! We could do...a last minute surprise party!"

"That's a good idea."

There was a knock on the door.

"Hellooooo? Uncle Lix? I'm ready!"

"Have fun."

Pixelle kissed me then kicked me out of our room.

"Yay! You're ready! I know what I wanna do!"

"Okay. What's the plan?"

"So...if we don't go today...we can go to the aquarium tomorrow?"

"Yes. I'll take you. Are you telling me, you would like to go to get something to eat then go to the toy store?"


"Okay. Where do you want to go?"

"Can we do that? Can we go eat somewhere then go to the toy store?"

I put my hand on her head.

"Sure. I'll even let you get dessert."



She started hugging me.


I smiled.

"Thank you."

We got in the car and I drove to a restaurant. We were brought to a table and given menus.

"Any idea what you want yet?"

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