Chapter 23

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   Felix's POV
He walked away with his head down. Novalia was begging for him to come back. That made me start crying.

"Why did he leave me?!"

"I don't know sweetie. I'm sorry."

I sniffled. Hearing her scream for him to come back...him...leaving her...fucking murdered a bit of me.

"T-this isn't right. I can't believe this shit."

I started walking away.

"Let's go watch tv somewhere. Would that make you feel better?"

She shrugged.

"Let's try that anyway. Okay?"

I brought her back to my room and sat down on the bed. I handed her the remote.

"Here. Put what you want on."

She kept crying. I put the remote down.

"Do you need a hug?"

She nodded then wrapped her tiny arms around my neck. I started rubbing her back. Pixelle walk into the room.

"Oh god...poor baby..."

I started rocking her.

"I got you."

I started wiping tears away.

"It's okay. I'm gonna take care of you now. I'll never leave you. You are my pup now."

" Lixie.."

"You're welcome. It's gonna be okay."

Pixelle sat down next to us. She moved hair out of Novalia's face.

"You're okay. It's gonna be okay."

She curled up into a tiny ball in my lap.

This is fucking killing me!!!

How could he do this?!

Why did he fucking hide her from me?!

I would've helped him raise her!

There was no need to send her away!

He's so lucky....

I didn't fucking knock his ass out!

Novalia calmed down after a few minutes.

"Are you okay now?"

"I dunno."

"Do you want to watch tv? You can put what you want on."

She picked up the remote. She rubbed her eyes. She started going through channels. I put her in the middle of me and Pixelle. The three of us laid down. Novalia put my arm around her and started snuggling with me.

This poor little girl.

How could he do this?


Was it even his idea?


Him and Jocelyn both made the choice.

The very...

Fucked up choice.

I felt her body relax after a while. I looked and noticed, Novalia was asleep.

"You can go do what you have to. I-I'll stay with her."

"No. I told her...I'm not leaving her. I mean it. I won't let her be alone anymore."

"W-what about your cousin?"

"He can fuck off. My niece is more important. I mean it."

"Wow. Look at you. You're in full papa wolf mode."

"It's not fair. She's 6. Her parents abandoned her. She doesn't deserve that pain."

"She must be so scared and must feel so alone."

"We're here for her now. She'll never be alone again."

"You are gonna be a great dad. I can just tell."


"You literally just calmed a child down. She was having a full on meltdown. Now...she's asleep."

" do you feel?"

"You were right. I feel better."

"I'm glad. Myla was so excited. She started licking me. It was so adorable and funny."

"Y-you think that? I-I thought...she was being rude."

"Oh god no. She's literally just excited to finally be in control."

Our bedroom door opened and my cousin ran into my room.

"Hey fucker! Wake up!"

"SHHH! If you wake her...I swear."

He walked over to us.

"W-who's this?"

"My niece. Chan hid her from us. It's a long story that just pisses me off."

"Is this your mate?"

"Yes. Don't touch her."

"Got it. So uh...are you gonna watch the game?"

"I'm kinda in the middle of something bro. I'm not interested in some football game. No way."

"Wow. You're already boring."

"What did you just call me?"

"You heard me."

"Don't Lix. Let her sleep."

I exhaled then laid back down.

"Go away. I'm done talking to you."

"Aww is the princey prince getting soft?"

"Make him leave."

Pixelle got up and started pushing my cousin out of the way. Novalia sat up.

"W-who's that?"

"That's my cousin. Don't worry. Go back to sleep."

"He wants to hangout with you."

I sat up again.

"I'd rather hangout with you."


"Yeah. you like slushies?"


"Do you want to go get one? There's a place that has them that isn't far away."

"Oooo! Yeah! I haven't had those in a while! Do you mean it?! We can go?!"

"Yeah. Go get ready."


She jumped up off the bed and ran out of my room.

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