Chapter 17

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   Pixelle's POV

"Do you uh...wanna get breakfast now?"


I jumped off the bed then ran around getting ready. Felix took his time getting ready.

"Come on! Come on!"

He finally got ready and he started bringing me to get food.

"This house is huge. How do you not get lost?"

"I do sometimes."

A maid walked up to us.

"Hello your highness. Good morning."

"Good morning Dora."

"Hello to you too ma'am. Is this the new princess?"

"Yes. This is her."

She curtsied.


"Welcome. I'm Dora. Inform me if, you need anything."

"T-thank you?"

We continued walking.

"What just happened?"

"It's like I family is werewolf royalty. You're an actual princess now."

"I-I am?"


He brought me to a dining room. The table was HUGE! His family was already seated.

"Hi. Good morning."

His mom picked her head up.

"H-hey Anne."


We walked over to the table and sat down.

"I see...she's wearing the ring."

"She asked."

"I've never heard of that."

They started grabbing food while, I sat there.

"What's wrong?"

"I-I've never seen this much food. I-I can eat this?"

"Yeah. The chefs made everything."

I grabbed food and started eating.

"How have you been, Ellie?"

I had to go through everything.

"I'm okay now. I'm glad to be away from all of that shit."

Bennett and Kelsey were inhaling their food.

"Slow down please. You'll get sick."

"Sorry Pixie!"

"We're just hungry!"

They slowed down.

"Did she just-"

"She did!"

"What did I do?"

"You got them to listen."

We finished eating then...two girls came up to me.

"Hello. We need to get you fitted for a tiara."


"Uhh..this is her first morning here. Can she breathe before the fittings?"

"Sir..we need to get these fittings done right away."

"I-I think...I'll be okay?"

"You have some things, you have to do also."

"Uhhh..please no. I-I just got here."

The girls started bringing me to a fitting room. One of them wrapped measuring tape around my head.

This feels strange.

"We should get her fitted for heels too right?"

"N-no heels. I-I can't walk right with them."

They started measuring my feet anyway.

"Wow! You have some tiny feet, your highness!"

"Y-you don't have to call me that. I-I'm not sure how I feel about it."

They didn't answer me.

What on earth is going on?

"Do you know how to dance?"

"U-uhh no?"

"Then that's something you must do."

"Kayla? Am I doing this correctly?"


Kayla started helping the other girl.

"There you go Misha."

"Thank you."

"H-how long will this take?"

"Not long. We'll be done soon."

"We should measure her for a dress while she's here."

"Yes. You're right."

"I-I just ate...the measuring might be wrong. am I gonna look in them?"

"Don't worry."

"You'll try them on."

They started measuring my arms. Then my chest. Then my waist. Then my feet. Then my neck.

This is uncomfortable.

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