Whole Again | Angst/Fluff

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Meliodas' P.O.V

It had been months since I left Britannia...I shaped the Demon World to the way it is now, peaceful with no more war. Zeldris had returned with Gelda at his side...it took time but he eventually forgave me and even thsnked me for keeping Gelda alive all these years. But...my time here has never gotten any easier, Hawk had went to Purgatory so I couldn't check in on Elizabeth like I planned. From what I heard from Zeldris was that the sins went their separate ways and the only ones who stayed with Elizabeth were Merlin and Escanor. How was she doing? Did she find someone else..? Did Elizabeth become Queen? Have kids..? I wanted to know more about Elizabeth...but everytime I would contact Merlin she would outright refuse to tell me anything about Elizabeth, saying it was no longer my business. She's right, but...why do I still yearn for my old life? I want to see Elizabeth again... "Meliodas would you snap out of it already?!" Zeldris shouted, finally able to get my attention. "Hm? Oh Zeldris...anything to report?" He then began to explain how the fairy and giant clans wished to make a peace treaty with us. "Have King and Diane escorted here safely, that is-" "Yeah yeah, an order I know!" Zeldris huffed, wings appearing on his body as he flew off, leaving me to my thoughts once again. I wonder if Elizabeth is happy...what would she think of me now? "Meliodas~!" I could still remember the way she would call out to me with her angelic voice...and her beautiful sapphire eyes that sparkled in the moonlight. I even lost count of the time that passed, it had probably been a few days of me just moping around till King and Diane finally arrived. "Captain~!" Diane giggled, it was clear she had missed my presence. "Hey captain, how is life in the Demon World?" King asked, smiling as he floated beside Diane in his new form. "It's not Britannia that's for sure~ I didn't think you guys would want to make a peace treaty, much less actually come here!" Ever since I came back to this god awful place I stayed in assault mode, who knows how long it's been since I've seen my green eyes.. "How could we not want peace? Not only are you the Demon King, but it's high time we got along don't you think?" King smirked, bringing a smile to my face at his words. At least I was able to see these two again... "We can discuss the details later, what I wanna know...is if Elizabeth is alright." Just mentioning her name made them both shift uncomfortably, as if they wanted to tell me but couldn't. "King can we please tell him? He deserves to know!" "We promised Merlin we wouldn't say a word-" "Why doesn't Merlin want me to know about Elizabeth?" I spoke firmly, anger inside me rising...was Elizabeth hurt? "Captain we can't-" "Elizabeth is pregnant...!!" Diane shouted, my eyes widening in shock. Elizabeth...was pregnant? "When did she find out...?" I whisper, guilt replacing the anger I felt. Elizabeth was going through this pregnancy alone...and I wasn't there to help her. "A-A month after you left Lady Elizabeth began to feel sick, her symptoms worried her Bartra and her sisters so Merlin gave her a check up..." Almost a year ago...meaning Elizabeth was due to give birth anytime now. "I wanted to tell you captain! But Merlin...she thinks you don't deserve to know about Elizabeth's situation since you "abandoned" her. I know you had to leave, but even I think you should have took Elizabeth with you! She loves you captain...why leave her?" It was a valid quest to ask...but the thought of answering it brought me unimaginable pain. "The miasma would have gotten Elizabeth sick...she could heal herself but to do it over and over? That is no way to live! She deserves to have a normal life Diane...I can't give her that. She would be dead by now if she came with me...and I can't deal with that again." The miasma would have slowly killed Elizabeth from the inside out...and I know she would try to hide her pain and say she was okay when that was far from the truth. I can't have Elizabeth die again.. "If you truly love Lady Elizabeth...you should make Zeldris the new Demon King and go to Elizabeth. That cursed power isn't something Zeldris deserves to be burdened with either...so I say destroy it!" Destroy this power...? I would've done it by now if I knew how...but making Zeldris the new king isn't a bad idea. "I will contact Merlin and have her join us...she might know how to destroy this power." And maybe...maybe I can see Elizabeth once again.

Elizabeth's P.O.V

Merlin left so suddenly when her orb began to glow, leaving Escanor to watch over me. I wonder if something is going on..? "Sir Escanor can you tell me what is going on?" "I'm afraid not Lady Elizabeth, Merlin gave me strict orders to not tell you!" Escanor huffed with a proud look on his face, Merlin doesn't want me to know? Could it be that- "Ngh...!" I gasp in pain, feeling liquid dripping down my legs and a sharp pain in my stomach. "Lady Elizabeth...you're going into labor!!" I screamed in pain, unable to do anything as Escanor carried me to the infirmary. Merlin wasn't here to deliver the baby...how can I do this without her? "AHHH!!" "Call for the Lord Bartra and Lady Eliza sisters!" Escanor ordered the knights, watching as they ran off in a hurry. I want Meliodas here...I need him! "Meli...odas..." I whisper before blacking out, the pain too much to handle.

Meliodas' P.O.V

As Merlin was in the process of a spell she knew to free the commandments from my body I got this feeling that something was wrong...the feeling I knew all too well. "Elizabeth is in danger!! Hurry Merlin...!!" I shouted, watching as she did everything she could, gasping in pain as the spell took a lot out of her, the commandments now lay on the ground. "Meliodas are you sure about this? Because once you do this there's no going back.." Zeldris warned as Gelda stood by his side, everyone worried if I would come to regret this one say. "I won't ever regret this...Elizabeth needs me, my baby needs me!!" I spoke firmly, using the remaining dregs of the Demon King's power to destroy the commandments...no one could ever use them for evil again. "Merlin-" "On it~" In the blink of an eye we were in front of Liones castle, extending my wings as I flew towards Elizabeth's presence...it was weakening. Once I got to the infirmary I saw Escanor helping deliver the baby while Elizabeth was unconscious...her sisters and Bartra were waiting outside of the room. "I knew you'd come.." Bartra spoke with his knowing smile, allowing me inside the room as I shut the door. "C-Captain!" Escanor stuttered, but I didn't care about anyone except Elizabeth right now...was this really that hard on her? "Why is Elizabeth unconscious...?" "S-She's been in and out of consciousness! The pain is too much and at this rate she might..." Escanor trailed off, gasping in shock when Merlin teleported into the room. "Leave us Escanor." Nodding in understanding Escanor left the room, it was just Merlin and I... "Do something to save her!" I begged, holding Elizabeth's hand in my own...staring at her pale face as her eyes suddenly opened. "AHHH!!!" Elizabeth screamed in pain, tightening her grip on my hand. "Elizabeth...hang in there!" The sound of my voice must've caught her attention, noticing her eyes on me. "M-Meli...odas...? How are y- AHHH!" Elizabeth let out a pained scream, beginning to push as per Merlin's instructions. Eventually...the baby was born. "He's so beautiful..." I whisper, holding him in my arms with a warm smile on my face. "Tristan...h-his name will be...Tristan Liones..." Elizabeth mumbled, her eyes slowly fluttering close. "E-Elizabeth...! Don't close your eyes!!" I screamed, the racket causing Tristan to cry as a result. "Don't panic Meliodas~" Merlin smirked, holding a spell bead...tossing it at Elizabeth and it quickly began to heal her. "She needs rest now, why don't you introduce everyone to the newest member of The Seven Deadly Sins~? I will watch over Sis-sis.." I nodded slowly, but...it pained me to walk away from her yet again even if I know I wasn't going anywhere.

Elizabeth's P.O.V

As I opened my eyes I saw Meliodas by my side with Tristan in his arms...so him coming back wasn't a dream. "You're really here..." I whisper, a smile on my face at the care he showed Tristan. "I destroyed the commandments Elizabeth." Was the first thing Meliodas said as he began to explain Tristan and I were more important than the Demon World...that he chooses to stay here with me. "You left me..." I trail off, watching as Meliodas looked down at the ground as if to prepare himself for what was to come. "You left me...but you came back in the end. You were here when I needed you most...thank you Meliodas, and I forgive you." I spoke lovingly, urging him to come closer as he leaned against me...crying as we held Tristan in our arms. "I love you Elizabeth..." I giggle, pressing a kiss against his head. "I will always love you Meliodas...never forget that." My life was now complete...a piece was missing when Meliodas left and now that he has returned I feel whole again. Welcome home...Meliodas.

How'd it come out guys? Hope you all enjoyed! ♡

Dedicated To: sofiwrites19

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