"So what I'm hearing is you have your entire life ahead of you and yet you're throwing it all away just by having me here?" I asked her putting a halt to her laughter causing her to go silent

I seen Chloe walk into the room with this dull expression on her face. It was clear that she had heard our conversation just by the look on her face, they both had the same dark look in their eyes like my question had hit a nerve

"Our mother was our entire life! Everything we worked for, all those academic achievements, don't mean shit anymore because we did that for her. Our life ended the moment Kiyana Bailey took her last breath" Chloe told me and as much as I wanted to understand that I just couldn't.

They had the opportunity to do big incredible things with their lives and they are just so stuck in grief it's ruining their judgment.

"That's stupid.." i said bluntly shaking my head at them. I couldn't sit silent on this, I just couldn't...

"The fuck did you just say?!" Chloe became defensive but I stood my ground like Halle's been teaching me these past few days. It was scary as hell testing chloe but eventually I would have to stick up for myself

"I said that's stupid.." I repeated as I finished taking down the last braid.

"Excuse me because I know I've never lost a parent before so I can't say I know what you're going through but y'all have the opportunity to do whatever you want in this world. There's no way you, in one breath can say I did all this for my mom and in the other say it doesn't matter anymore because I did it for my mom. It doesn't make sense" I explained to them

"You two are smart obviously, got big things ahead of you and I'm sure your mom knew that so why not continue to honor that? You know she's looking down on you both" I told them and it got incredibly silent in the house like extremely quiet

For a second I thought they would never say anything to respond but Halle just chuckled before getting up walking out the room.

I knew this time she for sure wasn't coming back. She did that a lot when i said something that basically provoked her, she would storm out or just walk away laughing to calm herself down. I didn't quite understand but whatever keeps her from pounding my face in, I was completely ok with

"How does it feel sitting here right now? Thousands of miles away from your family" I heard Chloe ask me and I sighed at her question

"It sucks! I hate it" i admitted truthfully answering her question and I seen pull out a rolling trey which reeked of marijuana.

"Imagine staying here for the rest of your life. Never ever seeing any of your family again, having nothing to your name but stupid piece of paper that says you're smart" she asked me lighting up a pre roll she had and I lowered my head not responding because I knew that wasn't really a choice right now

"You are so smart, you go through 4 years of school just to get a flimsy paper that says congratulations you did it but then you remember dang... I still have nothing even though i slaved and stressed for four whole years. Now what?..." she asked me as I remained silent

"Now you have to work long tiring hours at a job that's probably only gonna be enough to pay your rent so then you have to get another job to be able to pay for utilities and food because this economy is so fucked statistically even a person with every academic achievement known to man may still end up broke and lonely until the day they shrivel up and die" Chloe explained making me frown in disappointment at the way she was looking at this

"Just because there's a chance doesn't mean it's set in stone Chloe, you don't have to be a statistic! You could turn nothing into something, you know like those rappers" I told her optimistically standing up

At this moment I stopped looking at her as my captor and began looking at her as a friend... a really lost and broken friend who needed a little light in her life

My grandma always tells me that all things happen for a reason. Maybe this happening to me was for a reason, maybe god had sent me here to shed a ray of light onto these dark souls. To remind them that their life had a purpose, maybe I was meant to be here

"You know this is what I hate about you stupid little privileged nepo babies! You think the whole entire world is just rainbows and butterflies, and it's not! I've been turning nothing into something my whole entire life, I've been doing every thing I physically can to build stability for my family and you know what that led to? My mother is DEAD!" She yelled out standing directly in front of me getting in my face backing me into a wall

"You were blessed with loving family who is willing to do a nation wide man hunt to find you, your mom is about to go commit a crime just to bring you back home. You've already got everything, you can afford to have that preppy little attitude but we don't have anything!" Chloe slammed her hand over my head

"you have me.."

Chapter 7!!!

Halle telling Blue more about them? Was it needed

Blue telling them what they were doing is stupid? Is she right or wrong?

Blue believing she was sent their for a reason?

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