Chapter 40: The Visit

Start from the beginning

I couldn't help but smile to myself. Despite everything that has happaned in this past year, they all still remain themselves.

Sure, they still felt worry and sorrow for Balloon and now Taco. However, they put themselves up and remind themselves that they are okay now.

I love the fact that they can remain strong during hard times. Especially the final four contestants. They went through a lot before settling down here.

Hmm.... I wonder how Mephone is doing? I have not seen him in quite some time. According to the final four, he just left after he came here.

Like, he just said 'Hi there. Take my remaining contestants for who knows how long. Good-bye now'

I do hope Mephone is okay where ever he is. I can survive here alone with everyone. I'll be fine here.

I walk into the kitchen so I can grab a snack. I look at the time, 3 pm. I should leave in a little bit.

Knowing me, I am going to probably going to buy gifts for each of them. I also might take a bit of time stalling.

Without wasting much time, I eat my snack. Once I'm done, I throw it away and start making my way out.

"Mepad. Where are you going?", I hear a voice call out.

I turn around and see Paper there. Ah, he must be curious as to where I'm off too.

"Hello Paper! I'm off to the store. I am going to buy some things. I will be back soon.", I explain.

"Oh. Okay then! I'll let OJ know you left! Take care!", he says.

I wave good-bye and leave. I didn't lie per say. But I didn't tell the full truth. I suppose Taco is rubbing off of me as well.

I teleport away to the nearst place to Walmart. From there, I walk another 5 minutes until I am there.

This place is very big. I shouldn't take too long here, I need to go visit Taco and Balloon. That, and I don't wish to make Paper worried.

I walk in the store and am met with a bunch of people and a lot of store to cover. I need to get mentally prepared for anything that gets thrown my way.

Including people who will bitch about the smallest shit. I need to avoid those types of people at all costs.

Now, what should I get for them? I know I need some games. Maybe some card games like Uno? Maybe some board games as well like Clue?

I head to the game section to see the choices I have. I see multiple types of Uno's, multiple types of Monopoly's. 

Goodness, this is going to be tough.




*1 hour later*




Okay. That took way too long deciding on board games to choose. I spent a good 30 minutes choosing 5 games for them.

I then spent the other 30 minutes getting some gifts for Taco and Balloon. I also grabbed some other things to bring back to the hotel.

I was in line paying when I look at the time. 4:10 pm. I need to get to the hospital. While in line, I can hear a woman tapping her foot behind me.

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