He tore the plastic off and swiftly changed into his usual grey suit. As he buttoned his clothes, he searched for an exit.

"Grayson?" Shea approached him. "Where are you going?"

Ignoring her, Grayson realized he had no shoes. Shea walked closer, looking concerned. "It's best if you stay here and wait-" Her phone rang, interrupting her.

Relieved by the distraction, Grayson, now fully dressed, moved to retrieve his shoes while Shea answered the call.

"Okay," Shea ended the call and turned her attention back to Grayson. "William is on his way here," she informed him, but Grayson didn't care.

He walked past Shea towards the door. "Grayson?" Shea blocked his path, making a final plea. "Just sit down and wait, please."

Grayson's frustration and anger simmered beneath his calm demeanour, but he didn't show it. "Shea, move aside," he said coldly. "William and Hudson are coming," she explained. "So, please wait." Grayson tried to reach for the handle, but Shea grabbed his arm, refusing to let him leave.

He stared at her, his gaze unwavering. "Why are you helping him? What's your purpose in all of this? Why do you even care?"

Shea hesitated, struggling with her decision. Finally, she looked up at Grayson.

"William isn't a bad person," she insisted, but Grayson remained resolute. "He can explain everything-"

At that moment, the door swung open. "There isn't much to explain." William entered the room, his gaze fell upon Grayson.

Shea reluctantly released her grip on Grayson's arm and took a step back. Grayson glanced at her for a moment, a mixture of frustration and disappointment etched on his face, before turning his attention to William.

"I see you have met my girlfriend, Shea," William stated firmly, his voice matching Grayson's in its coldness.

Grayson scoffed, adjusting his cuffs. "Girlfriend? Well, that explains everything," he remarked, having already suspected Shea's relationship with William. The fact that she was wearing his shirt, the same white thin t-shirt he was wearing now, only confirmed his suspicion and revealed more.

"Where's Hudson?" Shea asked, her cheeks turning pink. William facial expression soften as he glanced at Shea. "I don't know," William answered like he couldn't care less where his twin brother was.

Grayson got a better look at William now compared to when they were in the car. William was tall, just slightly taller than Nash. He had broad shoulders and was wearing a thin white shirt that revealed his abs, along with blue jeans. Grayson was surprised that he managed to free himself from William's grip in the car because he had large biceps. William had brown hazel eyes like his mother and blond hair like his father. His skin was completely tanned, giving him the appearance of a perfect Mr Farm Boy Universe, although his personality was far from perfect.

"I'm leaving now," Grayson stated, his eyes darting between William and Shea. "So, please step aside."

William shifted his gaze back to Grayson and crossed his arms. " I'm taking you to Boston."

Before Grayson could respond, a loud crash sounded from outside the room, followed by hurried footsteps. Hudson, William's trusted ally, burst through the door, his face filled with urgency.

"We have to go, right now!" Hudson exclaimed, his voice urgent. He glanced at Shea and William, then noticed Grayson. "Grayson," he panted. "How are you?"

Hudson looked exactly like William, except for their hairstyles and Hudson being much less muscular.

William rolled his eyes. "What's happening?" Shea asked, starting to feel anxious.

"Jolene's waiting in the car," Hudson gasped for breath and turned to his brother. "Let's go."

William nodded. He stepped closer to Shea, placing his hands on her shoulders. "You're coming with us."

"Why? Where are we going?" Shea asked, her voice filled with uncertainty and fear. William tightened his grip on her shoulders, looking into her eyes. "Somewhere," he replied, his voice reassuring.

Shea glanced at Grayson, uncertainty written on her face, then at Hudson before turning back to William. "Promise you won't leave?" she asked, seeking reassurance.

William hesitated for a moment, closing his eyes and taking a shuddering breath before opening them again. "I promise," he finally said.

Shea took a deep breath, finding comfort in his words. "Okay," she said, her voice determined. "I'm with you."

Grayson's frustration grew, but he held his tongue, waiting to hear what William had to say. He wasn't used to being the clueless one, knowing nothing like who was Jolene? Or what was the problem?

Grayson looked between the three of them; he was not on the same page as them. Grayson observed their exchange, his distrust still lingering, but he recognized the need to stick together in this uncertain situation.

William released Shea's shoulders and took hold of it her hand instead. "Hudson, you take Grayson," he instructed his brother.

"Fine," Grayson said cautiously.

Hudson extended his hand, indicating that Grayson should take it.

"Lead the way, Hudson." William stepped in front of Grayson, blocking his brother's hand, and for once, Grayson was grateful that William blocked his brother. He didn't like the idea of holding hands with Hudson.

As they hurried through the corridors, Grayson's mind filled with questions and uncertainty. He followed closely behind Hudson, their footsteps echoing through the empty hallways. The building appeared deserted, adding to the mystery surrounding them.

They arrived at a service elevator, and Hudson impatiently pressed the button. The doors slid open, revealing a dimly lit space. Grayson entered, feeling the tension mounting with each passing second.

"Where are we going?" Grayson couldn't contain his impatience any longer.

Hudson glanced at him briefly. "Somewhere," he replied mysteriously.

Grayson furrowed his brows but decided to trust their lead for the time being. The elevator doors closed, and they began descending, the hum of the machinery filling the silence.

Grayson stole a glance at Shea, a mix of worry in her eyes. She seemed just as clueless as he was, which provided some reassurance.

The elevator came to a stop, and the doors opened to reveal a dimly lit underground parking garage. They stepped out into the cool air, and Grayson heightened his senses as he scanned the surroundings.

Hudson led them to a sleek black SUV parked in a secluded corner. Jolene, their skilled getaway driver, sat behind the wheel, her gaze focused ahead.

"Jolene!" Hudson called out across the empty parking lot. "Did you miss me?"

Jolene leaned out of the window, her red hair partially obscuring her face. "No-"

Suddenly, a loud bang echoed through the parking lot, followed by gunshots. Five men in black emerged from the elevator and began sprinting towards them.

Grayson, Shea, and William hastily climbed into the backseat, while Hudson settled into the front passenger seat. "Grayson, Jolene. Jolene, Grayson," Hudson quickly introduced, pointing to each of them.

"Just drive!" Shea urged, anxiously taking her place beside Grayson.

Jolene swiftly ignited the engine, and the SUV roared out of the parking garage. The sound of the engine drowned out the chaos behind them, as they sped away from the danger and drove into the unknown.

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