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🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈GAY PEOPLE 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

America: Congrats on the homosexuality!!
America: You're an inspiration to gay people everywhere
Germany: ???


America: what the hell is a straight person. only straight thing I know about is the edge of my precious sunglasses


Russia: Something very lgbt happened to me today
Belarus and Kazakhstan: What was it?
Russia: Mind your damn bussiness


Germany: Is it normal that I want to kiss a guy?
America: Oh yeah we all want to do that.
Poland: It's a very common struggle


Belarus: Woman? No, you misheard.
Belarus: I'm an omen.
Belarus: I don't identify as male or female.
Belarus: I identify as a warning. 


America, after literally anyone comes out: well, heres to being gay and stuff!


Russia: You use emojis like a straight person.
Belarus: That's literally the worst thing anyone has ever said about me.


America: I'm glad my father took my coming out well, but I'm not sure it's worth the dad jokes.
Britain: What do you call a lesbian, a gay man, a bisexual and trans person in line at the bank?
America, sighing: What?
Britain: An LGBT Queue!


Ukraine: You're not a woman until you get blood on all your favorite pants
Belarus: What about trans women?
Ukraine: I never said it had to be your own


Canada: What are you doing?
America: Being gay and doing crime


New Zealand: *tries on a new hat*
Australia, in a glittering one-piece, a feathered pink cowboy hat, and 6 inch light up platforms: You look ridiculous


Australia: Yeah I'm LGBT.
Australia: cuLt leader.
Australia: God hates me personally.
Australia: cowBoy hat.
Australia: *Sniffles* Trying my best.


Belarus: Am I a boy? Am I a girl?
Belarus: doesn't matter
Belarus: I'm still going to burn your house down


Germany: What are you drinking?
Russia: Vodka.
Germany: Straight?
Russia: No, bi. Why? 


Mexico: Whenever I'm leaving a conversation, I say "bi" to remind people I'm bisexual.
Mexico: For some reason this has not been working very well and most people think I'm straight despite my reminders.
Mexico: However! They do sometimes praise me and say "good bi" in response!


Japan: I don't identify as genderfluid. I am genderfluid.
Japan: I identify as-
Japan: ✨a bitch✨


(Smol) New Zealand: Hey dad, what does gay mean?
Britain: Uh- I- uh.. it means happy!
America: WOAH I am not as gay as I thought I was


Switzerland: I'm asexual.
Germany: What!? You have covid!
Switzerland: Wh— No. I don't feel sexual attraction or desire.
Italy: You're asymmetrical?!

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