Somewhere on that stage he was singing and dancing like no tomorrow. He always did, even if it'd end up hurting him in the end. Today was surely no different.
My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing sharply and I picked it up to find Marina calling me.
"Marina? Hi," I asked with my sore and rough throat and was met with a loud voice.
"Y/n! I remember who I told at the party! Hurry up over here and I'll explain!" Marina's voice boomed at me and my whole body stiffened, every hair standing on my skin, as I scrambled to hold tighter onto the phone, as if it'd help steady me.
"I know! I'll tell you everything, where are you? Are you in a car? How'd it go with Jungkook?"
"Yeah, I-I'm in a car- I'll tell you when I'm there-" I felt dizzy. Perhaps I could finally find peace. "Marina, just tell me who it was."
"Dae-hyun. I'm sure of it." My eyes widened like saucers and I gripped the car seat, desperate to get forward in an instant.
"Fuck," I cursed before hanging up and swiftly informing the driver of Marina's address before hurrying down the streets of Seoul.


I banged my hand on Marina's door and she opened to stare equally wild back at me, sighing deeply and pulling me inside.
"Finally, you're here! I'm telling you; it suddenly came to me when I banged my head into wall when making late-night ramen. Apparently its true what they say in movies. I just remembered everything- like that!" She said and snapped her fingers to signify the sudden memory returning. I could barely follow her swiftness. "Here," she said and pulled me with her into her room. "Just be quiet, my dad's already sleeping, he has to get up early tomorrow."
We sat down on her bed, and I exhaled deeply. I hadn't taken the time to properly breathe before now.
"I can't believe it was him." I mumbled, staring straight ahead at Marina's closet. But in a way I could. It made sense. There had been many instances, which I apparently was blind to, that indicated something wasn't as it should've been.
"I know right. I thought he was my friend. Our friend." Marina murmured and stared at my face from the side. "How'd it go with Jungkook?"
I bit the inside of my cheek. "Not good. I'll tell you more later."
"I'm sorry, Y/n."
"Yeah, me too." I whispered. "But tell me more about Dae-hyun."

And so Marina cleared her throat and I braced myself. "You know at Dae-hyun's party?" She asked and I nodded. "After we were in the kitchen and I left to go sit with Young-soo outside, Dae-hyun came to sit beside me. It had been 15 minutes or so, and Young-soo had left to go find something more to drink. I remember him looking frustrated, angry even. I'm not sure why, but he asked me about you..." The memory stood clear amongst the hazy night. I had been dancing when suddenly his arms were wrapped around me, asking me to dance and holding me dangerously close. Chills travelled down my spine at the memory, his eyes had been so dark. I had never seen them like that before.
"Yeah, I remember." I mumbled and Marina raised her brows. "He tried to get me to dance with him. And when I refused, he asked why. He seemed... different."
"So that's why." Marina sighed and I furrowed my brows. "He was so drunk and kept asking if you were seeing someone and why you didn't like him. He was so loud and persistent that I just told him, I'm so sorry Y/n."
I sat in silence, mulling over the new information. "It's okay. He could've chosen not to tell the media. You thought he was a friend." I thought he was a friend. I had found comfort in him, even telling him my worries about the situation, while it had been him all along. All along he had pretending to be on my side, even shielding me off from the media, when he was the real culprit. My body shivered and I clutched the sheet. I thought he was a friend. I was so stupid.
Marina wrapped her arms around me and we laid down next to each other in her bed.

"What are you going to do about Dae-hyun?" She asked as she rubbed my shoulder.
"I guess I'll find out when I see him."
"Do you want to tell me more about Jungkook?"
I scoffed. "It went horrible in every way possible."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay..." I blinked into the darkness. A lazy tear made its way down, over my nose and dripping onto the pillow beneath my head. "He told me to leave. I should've just listened." Marina stayed quiet.

One-Way Ticket | Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now