~ Telluric Currents~

Start from the beginning

Rolling his eyes, Stiles turned back towards the bag digging around before he suddenly noticed a file.
" Oh, Danny Boy, you might have actually found something here." Stiles said standing up.

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows confused before walking over to Stiles peaking through his shoulder seeing a file in his hand with that name Mr, Harris written on in.


Y/n stood between Cora and Scott looking at the paper that were spread around the table. Her and Stiles had immediately called Scott telling him what they found so they soon joined him at the clinic where Cora and Lydia were waiting.

" Okay, so what does this kid's homework have to do with finding Deaton?" Cora suddenly said as she grabbed a paper furrowing her eyebrows confused.

" Because it's not just homework, okay? It's a project on geomagnetic fields. They flow through the earth. They can even be affected by lunar phases, all right?"
Stiles explained as he kept on glancing at the three teenagers in front of him.
" Now look at this. This is a note from Harris on Danny's proposal." He said flipping the paper showing them a small note written.

" I strongly advise you to choose another subject. The ideas here, while innovative and thoughtful, border on pseudo-science. Not suitable for class." Lydia started reading next to Stiles.

" Harris wasn't just a sacrifice." Scott said looking up towards Stiles but Y/n quickly cut him off.

" He knew something." Y/n said nodding her head.

" Now, check this out. Allison's dad wasn't the only one with a map, all right? Danny had one too." Stiles said nodding his head at her before opening a map that he had found in Danny's bag.

Spreading the map in front of them, Y/n leaned against the table and squinted her eyes at the map.
" Danny marked all the telluride currents, okay? Now, the weird thing about Beacon Hills is that it actually is a beacon. You wouldn't believe how much energy flowing through the earth is around this town."

" Stiles, look, they match." Scott suddenly said as he spread blueprint of a map that Allison had given him.

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows confused as she watched Scott placed the blueprints in the right places.
" All right, there's three places, right? Where they're kidnapped, and then the places where their body was found." Scott said grabbing a pen and circling the places.

" Look, it's right in the telluric current." Lydia said pointing out.

" So, maybe where he was sacrificed is somewhere in between." Scott said causing Y/n to look around the map seeing any place that was also in the telluric currents.

" Let me see that." Stiles said grabbing the pen from Scott and starting to circle places on the map.
" You said there's six more bodies to be found. Deaton's one of them. He's got to be somewhere in between right?"

Y/n looked around the map before her eyes landed on something.
" Stop." Y/n said placing her hand on Stiles hand before sliding it towards the right. Stiles looked up to her in surprise and looked back down to their hands seeing where it had landed.
" He's in the vault...." She said looking up towards Scott with worry in her eyes.
" He's in the same vault."


Grabbing her bag, Y/n followed Stiles and Scott as they were ready to leave the room when she noticed Cora standing still by the table. She could feel the worry that she was feeling.

" Cora? What's wrong." She asked stopping and turning to look back at her. Even though the two weren't that close anymore, Y/n still saw her as Derek's sister so she would still worry about her.

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