"No, please spare us we'll settle it soon just give us a week" they pleaded but that doesn't trick a single sense of sympathy for them anyway. "Fine, one week and the incident happened here, spill a word and I won't kill but I'd make you feel something worse than death" I said smiling sweetly. I stood from my couch and smirked when I saw them flinch. I walked out of the club towards the car that was parked.

"Hey guys" I said as I saw two of my friends ready seated inside. "Why did you leave those two?" Changbin questioned. "Well, it's boring to kill everyone so yeah." I know those two already watched what happened there anyway cause our Seungmin is controlling the CCTV's. "Recordings are erased" Seungmin gave me a thumb up and I nodded. "So what's next?" I asked unsure of what to do while Changbin started driving. "Well we caught Shin's right hand men. We've got to deal with it." I hummed while staring a the road...

Han's POV

"Let's see what we got here" I'm already at the crime scene. I crouched down analysing the pictures of the victim. "Nothing found in 5m radius? Can't you check farther than that?" I walked along an alleyway which is narrow and long. I walked about for ten minutes looking around. I smiled as I spotted a CCTV of a house which is not so visible. I checked the house and it was most probably the backside of it so I walked out of the alley as I got in my car driving towards the neighborhood. Soo, I found the house I was looking for but unfortunately it was locked and it looks almost like no one had visited there for years. "Sneaking in won't hurt right" I whispered to myself.

I glanced at the window on the left corner. I took out my pocket knife inserting it in between the two window frames. The clicking sound was heard confirming the lock is broken. I jumped in without anyone noticing. The inside was pitch black that made it hard for the vision but I somehow managed to find the security room which was thankfully unlocked.

I powered on the counter as soon as I got in. "Password" I said annoyingly. "Should I crack it too?" I pressed some keys in the keyboard while easily cracking the password. I checked the CCTV footages of the relevant day. I went through it repeatedly I clicked my tongue as I found someone walking along the alleyway wearing a hoodie with a phone in his hand. He's talking with someone loudly like he's offended. I wore a headset that was hanging In the monitor.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN? THERE'S AN OTHER ONE TO KILL TOO! I CANT ATTEND STUPID PARTIES. FINE TELL ME WHERE" i bet this guy didn't notice the cameras at all. From what I heard he's having a party exactly tomorrow and the location. I laughed out as I heard him repeating the address with the caller. And I noticed his left hand which was weird but when I focused on it there were six fingers in his hand. It'll be easy for me to spot you mister.

Soon I got of the house. I reached my house "gotta select a nice dress there's an upcoming party" I smirked while staring at the mirror...

Minho's POV

"So you're not gonna say anything?" I laughed maniacally as I lift the chin of the guy sat Infront of me, tied to the chair. This is Shin's right hand man aka Draven, one of our biggest enemy. I moved my face close to the other "such a royal dog you are? It will be a waste to kill you" I stood up while instructing my guards to continue what they were doing which is torturing. "Sir, we found this on his pockets so I thought you should see this." I looked at the envelope they held. They handed it to me as I came out of the room.

I huffed while walking through the living room before plopping on the couch. Soon I heard an annoying voice which made me groan. "jagiya, where have you been? I missed you a lot" the female voice said as she sat on my lap facing me. "Hae-ra, this is not the time I just came home" I replied annoyingly. "Minho, you're mean" she pouted while saying. She noticed the envelope in my hand as she grabbed it taking a card out of it.

"Ohh, a party you're taking me too Right" she whined which annoys me more. "Yeah, yeah now leave me alone I need some rest" she nodded while leaving a kiss on my cheek before walking out. I wiped my cheeks harshly."Eww" I heard hyunjin's voice from the kitchen. "You were here the whole time?" He hummed. "Why didn't you save me from that annoying girl". "Well you made the deal, not my business". He said sarcastically while plopping in the couch with me.

"Party huh?" He took the invitation in his hand. "Shin will be there!" I said. "Ohh, so are we all going" "no but you'll come along to deal with hae-ra" I smiled sweetly at him. He widened his eyes "I never agreed for that". "Not my business" I said in the same sarcastic way he did before while I walked towards my room. "Goood night" I mocked while closing the door behind.

I sigh annoyingly thinking about the fact that I have to hae-ra along with me for the party. Just because her father was close to my father as soon as they heard the news that I took that position in mafia, they had a marriage proposal and I couldn't deny it cause of business share and specially their emotional story to it.

Hae-ra was a show off girl not a bitch but almost one and a super cringe. Also pokes her nose in all of my works and issues without permission and it all made me hate her more than anyone. I can't kill her yet cause her parents would surely start a war and I don't need one at the time. "Arghh" I pressed my face to the pillow annoyed by the fact that she's my fiance. "Should I just kill her now?" I can't do it right now cause it's not just about me other's could be in danger too. I sat upright in my bed before cause I have to take a shower before bed that's a rule I made in my mind. "Tomorrow's gonna be a big day"...

☬ 𝐓𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 ☬...

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