James grabs my hand, pulling me out of bed as he groans," Let's go sleeping beauty, I need you to drive the car. There's an old road right behind the motel that no one goes to, I need you to park there and wait for me."

He pulls my car keys from out his pocket and hands them to me. I stare at them for a while thinking,' Does he really trust me enough to drive by myself? Isn't he worried about me taking off? '

As if reading my eyes, he says," I know you won't leave me august, we need each other."

My eyes dart back to his, kind of getting what he's saying. I'm not sure about him needing me but I know that I need him. He's important to me.

He picks my coat up off the floor and hands it to me," It's four in the morning so I doubt that there would be anyone up at this hour. I'll meet you behind the motel in ten minutes, just make sure that the trunk is open, okay?"

"Okay," I answer breathlessly. My chest feels heavy with anxiety, I can already see this going left. 'What if we're caught? What if there are people up right now, they'll definitely call the cops.'

"August, you got this," he reassures me as he walks me to the front door. I take in a deep breath before leaving. I do as he says by starting the car and driving off to the old road behind the motel. Luckily for me, there wasn't a single soul up. I park close by the forest that separates the motel from the road and get out to open the trunk. Just as James says, he shows up ten minutes later carrying something wrapped up in bed sheets. I can see the sheets dripping with blood as he tosses the body in the trunk, as if he's throwing away garbage.

I rub my hands, trying to keep them warm as I look out for any cars coming. The road we're on doesn't have any streetlights, so everything is pitch black. We were only a few feet away from the forest, which really creeped me out, but I managed to stay calm.

"I'll be right back. I need to get the other body," he says just before disappearing back into the woods. I stand by the driver's door, waiting for him once more. I can feel my ears starting to turn red from the cold. I'm relieved to see that everything so far has turned out okay. I got here without running into anyone, we already have one body in the car and there's no streetlights here so if there is anyone up, they can't see us. The only source of light out here is my taillights. Everything is going as planned, that is until I see a pair of headlights slowly creeping up the road. 

My heart races as the fear of getting caught creeps back in me. I quickly run to the trunk to shut it but due to the body's feet hanging out, it bounces back open. The headlights of the other car were quickly approaching, making my blood run cold. 

'Dammit, whose ever in that car is starting to stop. '

I quickly push the feet into the trunk and shut it just as the car stops beside me. The person in the other car slowly comes out, revealing their attire.

"Morning sir," The officer says as he approaches me.

"...morning officer."

He looks me up and down with a smile before pulling out a flashlight, aiming it to my face. I raise my hand up to block my eyes," Can I help you sir?"

"I could ask you the same question," his once friendly voice turns cold," You are aware of a notorious man hunt that is going around in this area, right?"

I run my fingers through my hair as I come from behind my car, he takes a step back instantly.

'Okay August you got this! '

"I'm sorry if I worried you by being out here. It's just that I've been driving since late last night and only just now realized that my trunk was open. I only stopped down this road to close it."

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